Chapter 16

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"Why'd you say yes if you wouldn't have any?" I asked with a pout.

"I wouldn't be able to hide that it doesn't taste good to me, so it's better to not have any than pretend. Besides, I like picking them for you since you like it so much," the white tiger replied.

Winston and I were at the berry shrubs I frequented, and he was helping me pick some of them. We had spent the morning walking around and talking about random things. We had brought a basket of food, provided by Curtis.

He said something about making sure our kids are strong. I didn't mind of course, pregnancy would be a way to let my inner foody shine without shame.

I had asked Winston if he wanted me to show him my berry spot and if we could have some together. He said yes, but it was only when I noticed that the man was only adding berries to the basket and would occasionally pass some of them for me to stuff my face with, that the fact that he's a carnivore who most likely loathes anything that's not meat crossed my mind.

Why must you be so adorable and caring? Ugh.

Hmm, winter is coming within a month or so. I need to start making preparations.

I popped a berry in my mouth. These are going to stop bearing fruit during winter, it's one of my few sources of sugar besides the honey Harvey had harvested for me. How can I preserve these?

Vinegar? Nah, I don't know how to make that and even if I did, it would make the berries taste nasty.

Hmm, heat.....caramelize? Alright, I'll try making a jam of sorts. It's not full proof but what have I got to lose?

"Winston, help me pick more please. I want to try making something."

Winston smiled to himself as he watched Isa pick some of the red berries she had told him she liked to eat. He was glad to be approached by such a beautiful and kind female. He had enough time yesterday to see just how much love was shared among the family, he would work to be included in that. No matter what it took.

We were heading back when home when I paused for a bit and turned to Winston, "Winston, I hate to ask this especially since you haven't accepted me yet, but are you good at building?"

Winston looked perturbed, "What do you mean I haven't accepted you, Isa?"

I furrowed my eyebrows together and turned my head to the side lightly, "The week you said you'd take to give me your answer isn't finished yet."

Winston looked just as confused, "But I slept in the main bedroom last night." Seeing my lost expression, he elaborated, "Even if courting males are allowed inside the family house, they can't sleep in the main bedroom until they've been accepted. Since our case was one where I was the one who needed to agree, I couldn't bring myself to stay far from you when you fell ill. I had already decided to have you as my mate when we first met yesterday anyway."

My mouth formed an 'O' shape, "I see." I smiled at the tiger, "So, you want me?"

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