Chapter 42

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I regarded the man with cautious eyes and slowly rose to my feet. He didn't say anything after his greeting and simply stood there, watching me.

He tilted his head to the side, eyes sweeping over my frame, as a few strands of his hair fell over his face.

"You look exhausted, little one. Were those fishes treating you badly?" He asked softly.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but didn't answer. What did this man want from me?

"I saw you before, you know?" He continued. "I woke up briefly from my hibernation when I saw you being carried around by some of the mermen. I thought you were here willingly, but after I woke up some time ago. I picked up on the scent of blood and arrived to see you breaking that..." He turned his head slightly to look at the shattered pearl.

"Is the red snake outside your mate?" He asked. I perked up at his question, "Ah, I'll take that as a yes. You won't have to wait much longer. He's making quick work of the clan. Quite messy out there, you'd do well with not looking outside."

"Thanks for telling me," I spoke up, "but why are you here? And hibernation? Isn't it summer right now?"

"So, she speaks," he said softly with a smile. "It was a forced hibernation of sorts. One doesn't have much to do when they have no family to take care of, so why not sleep? It was my intention to help you escape the clan but seeing as your mate is here, it would be best if I don't overstep, don't you think?"

"I suppose so but thank you for even thinking to help. Really," I replied. A total stranger was willing to help with seemingly pure intentions, it seemed too good to be true, especially in this world, but I thanked him for the thought regardless.

"And so polite," he murmured softly. Taking a step towards me.

"Um, do you mind not getting too close? You're completely naked right now and it's making me a bit uncomfortable." I had been doing well with keeping my eyes on his upper body but I was well aware that he was bare below the waist.

I didn't want a strange man so close to me in that state. I'd probably have a panic attack.

The man's eyes widened slightly as he paused his movements, "Oh, my apologies, little one. I've forgotten that the nakedness of males that's not their own makes females uncomfortable. I shall shift to my half-turned state and keep my distance, so fret not."

"While we wait for your mate, would you mind telling me why the merfolk had you? I will keep you company until the red snake comes to retrieve you."

I found his personality and demeanor a bit odd, especially in this era. The black snake seemed to have a quiet and calm disposition, refined you could say, as he had not raised his voice once since he started speaking to me. Rather, we were talking as if we were exchanging secrets.

I saw no visible marks on his person, so he was either a no striped beast or a penta-striped one. Oddly enough, I didn't feel alarmed in his presence. His willingness to not approach me and simply wait with me while Curtis took care of the clan made me feel inclined to relax around him.

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