Chapter 15

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Well after that major shocker, I knocked the fuck out. I was stressed and suddenly tired. The news of being pregnant seemed to reverse all the effects of the emerald.

It was the next morning, and I was just staring at the hut's ceiling as I contemplated life. Winston had slept with us in our room so, besides our regular sleeping positions of myself in the middle and Harvey and Curtis to my right and left respectively, the white tiger had settled to the tops of our heads, in his animal form.

So, remember that first time my thirsty ass needed to ask Curtis to fuck me? It must have been some time around then that did it. Thinking about it now, my period hasn't come since that first time, and it will soon be three months since I've been here. I mentally face-palmed. How could I not pick this up earlier?

I cried to Harvey when he was working too much. Cried.

My ass should've known something was up then.

I was taken out of my thoughts as cool fingers stroked my cheek.

"Good morning. How are you feeling, my love?"

I turned to my left, "Good morning, I feel better."

"You didn't say much about the pregnancy last night. Do you not want them?" My snake husband looked absolutely shattered at the possibility.

I hurriedly clarified, "Of course I want them Curtis, I promise. I'm just feeling a bit out of it because this wasn't something we planned. Though it wasn't planned, I knew the risks so I'm just allowing my brain time to process something so life changing."

He smiled, "Okay, I know this was sudden. Take your time."

"Thank you, Curtis," I snuggled into his side. "When do you think I'll give birth?"

"It depends on your nutrition. But with how well fed you are, I'd say within the next month. Two at the most."

"Okay, one month to get our lives in order and prepare for babies. Wonder how many there will be."

"We can't guess something like that, we'd have to wait."

"I hope it's not a lot. I can't imagine having like twenty children out of nowhere."

Curtis chuckled, "Even if it was forty of them, we'd make it work." He placed a finger under my chin and lifted my face a bit, our eyes met.

He looked at me with love, devotion and gratitude swirling behind his gaze.

"I love you, Marissa. You're my everything."

I was so touched by his sincerity and proclamation that I started tearing up, either that or these pregnancy hormones got me good.

I reached up to pull him in for a kiss.

"I love you too, Curtis," I murmured against his lips.

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