Chapter 40

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I'm not sure how long it's been since that day. Since my pregnancy diagnosis, I never knew a moment of peace, not that I got much of those before anyways.

I made the effort to eat as well as I could as I was now eating for three.

I often wondered what Ezra's reaction will be when he finds out that he's a father of two, especially with one being a little girl. I have an inkling that he'll be an even cheesier papa than Winston is.

I let a small grin slip at the thought, which immediately turned into a scowl as I heard someone interrupt my daily attempt to maintain my sanity.

Hubbies and the babies won't appreciate it if I go batshit crazy down here, now, will they?

"What's funny?" A soft masculine voice inquired from the opposite side of the cave. I had made it clear to all the mermen that they were to keep their distance from me as I wanted nothing to do with their pathetic asses.

They all reluctantly stayed away as I yelled at them and delivered verbal lashings if they got too close. They couldn't leave me alone though, as they had to watch the pearl, but they were basically hanging around the entrance all the time.

I regarded Riley with hateful eyes, "Fuck off."

The cretin simply smiled and sighed dazedly, "That's the first thing you've said to me in two weeks."

"More than your bitch ass deserves," I shuffled in my position uncomfortably. I had not forgotten the pain he caused me. It was painful enough to be forced to see him every day, but he constantly tried speaking to me whether I showed signs of wanting conversation or not.

He was irritating and I wanted to carve him up with a heated spoon.

"How are you feeling?"

"If that pearl wasn't in here, you'd know," I said offhandedly.

His brows furrowed as he begrudgingly agreed with me, "That's true, but we can't do anything about that now. Are you uncomfortable anywhere? I can go to the surface for some fruits you like." I didn't answer.

"Would you like some more fish?" No answer.

"Give it a break Riley. Can't you see she doesn't want to talk with you?" Bluepool said, thankfully ceasing the man's nonstop efforts of reconciliation.

Riley turned to him with a fierce glare, "Mind your business, brother. She is my mate. I will do as I wish."

I quirked an incredulous brow at that claim, but said nothing as the more he believed it, the more he would be devastated when I liberated myself from him.

"Really? A mate you had to force. A mate that gets hysterical when you get too close to her. A mate that has nothing but words of insult to throw your way. How nice brother. My, how I envy you."

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