Chapter 30

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"Fee, Fi, Fo! Come on guys! Don't you want to feel clean while we move to our new home?"

All I was met with were three sets of distressed meows. You'd think I was murdering them with the way they were carrying on.

"Winston!" I yelled.

The man in question showed up a few seconds later, looking frantic and asking what the matter was.

"Talk to your children, Winston," I said frustratedly. "I thought tigers loved water. What the hell is this?"

Winston calmed down seeing that it wasn't anything serious and lightly growled at the cubs. They stopped meowing when he did. Winston knelt beside me and kissed my forehead, my cheeks, and lastly, my lips.

"Take a break, Isa. I'll bathe them," he said.

I didn't know this man could get any sexier. Who would have thought that offering to bathe our delinquent kids would make me want to jump his bones? I gave him a deep and searing kiss to convey my gratitude then left him to it.

As I walked out of our bathroom and into the general area, I was met with a bare home.


I turned to look at my leopard with a soft smile, humming in response.

He walked towards me and pulled me into a hug, "Did the cubs take a toll on you?"

I shook my head and pulled back from the hug to glance at his face. There was now one mark on each side of his face. Surviving the attack had allowed him to break through to the second mark. At least something good came of it.

"They're probably just so excited to move to the new home that they want to go there smelling like their own excrement," I said shaking my head. "I'll look past it this time, they know they can't get away with a lot of things under Winston's watch, so I'll leave it to him. Fee is a little ringleader though. Fi and Fo just mimic him."

"Yes, if their behavior persists, I wouldn't be surprised if they never part with each other in adulthood. They may even mate with the same female."

The tiger cubs were as thick as thieves, and they were little balls of chaos. They messed up everything in the house that was unfortunate enough to cross paths with them. They even tore up the wool pillows I toiled away hours of my life to make. As they were still young, I decided that light scolding would be enough for now but if the little menaces wouldn't stop, I would probably have to put them outside.

I hope it doesn't come to that, but they were trying my limits every day.

It seems that stealth is something that a tiger grows into. It doesn't come as naturally to them in their youth as with snakes. My older boys were sweethearts in that respect. The house was never a mess when they were younger.

It has been a few days since killing the ape king. The city went wild for a day or two, throwing out accusations and carrying out investigations, but it all came to a dead end, so they stopped.

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