Chapter 7

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That high note came crashing fast the next morning.

Someone please tell me why I'm currently staring Qingqing in the face as she asks my sexy doctor for some of his medicine supply.

The morning started like this.

I woke up with snake coils wrapped around one of my legs, definitely did not freak out until the sleepy haze wore off, a snake man clutching my waist from my left and a softly purring leopard to my right. It was marvelous. 

We exchanged good mornings, which is a concept I introduced to them with brief explanation. Curtis thought it was a waste of time, but he entertained the change, nonetheless. I used the sand pit, toilet coming soon, and Curtis took me to the river while Harvey made breakfast.

Along the way, I gave him that lecture about building burrows, he just silently listened, probably thinking I should shut my face because I have no business commenting on his burrowing. 

We had a lengthy chat about the meaning of privacy and how dear to my heart it is, after the snake beast refused to put some distance between us or even turn around as I was about to take a bath. We settled for him just turning around as he refused to leave my side. 

Okay, at least not all his personality from the book is gone. I won't have to live every day in surprise, but this is acceptable, I don't really want to be alone anyway.

Once I was done, we returned to Harvey's hut, had breakfast which consisted of deer meat and wild berries. "I heard that females like fruits, so I found some for you," Harvey said, abashedly scratching his neck as he did.

"I could kiss you right now! Thank you so much, Harvey!" I said, silly grin on my face and practically dove for my leaf plate.

Curtis' face soured but he said nothing.

After that, we proceeded to use sacks made from animal skin to pack the medicine Harvey wanted to bring with him, along with anything else useful. It was during this that, a loud knock sounded at the door. 

Which leads us back here, Parker and Qingqing stood in Harvey's living room/treatment area asking for some medicine.

"Harvey, are you moving?" he looked to me. Parker was surprised that the female looked much better than when he had first encountered her, he would never say this aloud though, he was now devoted to his Qingqing and refused to let his eyes wander.

"Hey! You're that ugly female I found with Qingqing in the woods the other day!" Curtis made his presence known with a fierce hiss directed at the leopard.

He visibly flinched, but continued, "What's this? You accepted a feral as your male, are you mad female?" 

No, just slightly mentally unstable.

I chose to ignore the incessant blabbermouth and turned towards Qingqing. What do we have here? Is little miss pure MC ogling my males right now? I'll admit, I was a bit nervous. What if meeting Qingqing will make Curtis go back on his word and pursue her instead? I would die of embarrassment and not only that, but I've also already started warming up to his hot and cold nature. I dare say, I would.... miss him.

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