Chapter 8

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Never thought I'd have this opinion, but I prefer being carried around in snake coils than riding a leopard's back, it was too bumpy for my liking.

At present, Harvey, Curtis and I were taking a detour to a sheep beast man village after I expressed my want for rice. Everyone in the village seemed scared shitless with the snake man's presence. You know, predator and prey relationships. They seemed more chill with Harvey though, must be a beast mark thing.

The village's tradesman looked as if he wanted nothing more than to run away as we approached. Curtis requested the rice, the sheep beast started refusing, saying he doesn't do business with ferals, especially ones who drag females around without their consent. 

That's my cue, "Excuse me, we really need to get going and I've been craving rice since yesterday. We can pay so just give us what we requested please." I said, polite smile intact. I actually don't know if we can pay but my fiancés would never let me embarrass myself.

The sheep man looked at me, "You accepted this feral, female?"

"Not that that is any of your concern, but yes."

He looked positively baffled. 

"Give me all the rice you have, " Curtis said looking proud, probably at my declaration, and held up a small green ball, showing it to the tradesman. The sheepman immediately started singing a different tune as he loudly called for his clansmen to gather all the village's rice.

Ah, the rumored emerald. Is this what being rich feels like? I could get used to this. How are we even going to carry so much rice. I'm sure my men will make it work- wait. Are those pumpkin seeds?

Woah, I didn't even think those would be in this world, I can do so much with those, soups, drinks, side dishes, I'm already planning on how to diversify our diet. Hmm, I might save that for when we decide on a permanent home though.

"Can we get some of those too?" I asked pointing to the seeds

"Those? Are you sure female? Others have said the fruit from those seeds are unpleasant to consume," he said looking skeptical.

"I'm sure, unlike others, I know how to prepare it."

We got our rice and seeds and were on our way. I won't even attempt to describe exactly how Harvey and Curtis carried all the things we had with us. I lack the skills, so I'll leave it to your imagination. Just know they got it done.

Now, I don't have much revolutionary ideas as to how I'm going to improve my life here. Unlike a certain sixteen-year-old, I don't have all the knowledge of the intricacies of how our modern comforts were acquired stored in my brain. I've realized that I'm severely unequipped for making much change towards the beast world's advancement. Back on earth, I was a computer science major. I am very far from my element. There's not an operating system in sight. Motherboard who? The only pythons here are snakes.

Sis is in the trenches.

So, you may be wondering, since I'm aware of my abilities or lack thereof, why am I choosing to keep distance from the miracle teen? To answer that I'd say, no amount of comfort in this life is worth my peace. I may have changed a lot. but she is still the main character, one who has a knack for unintentionally, or otherwise, getting herself in some unfortunate situations.

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