Chapter 11

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Curtis laid me down on the bed and hovered above me, supporting his weight with one of his arms. He used the other hand to caress my cheek and leaned down to kiss me.

The kiss was slow, loving and sensual. He wanted me to remember this.

Not breaking from the kiss, he reached down to my chest to undo the knot of the top I was wearing and then pulled my skirt off. It was intimacy on another level to be wearing clothes made from the man above me.

It felt as if he was always surrounding me, always nearby.

Curtis grazed his sharp teeth across the supple flesh of my breasts, then he pulled my right nipple into his mouth and sucked on it. While doing this, he was fondling my other breast.

He placed some his weight on me and settled between my legs. Our lower parts touched, and a jolt of pleasure ran through me. This man was taking his sweet, agonizing time. I was mewling and moaning, thrusting my hips upwards, I tried my best to convey where I wanted him most.

He got the message, but not quite how I intended. He pulled from my lips and was moving to kiss the lower ones.

I raised my hand to run my fingers through his hair and tugged it gently.

"Curtis, there's no need for that. Not now. I want you, please," I begged. My voice sounded foreign to my ears, it was lower, huskier and seductive.

Curtis' eyes narrowed to slits as he moved up to kiss me once more.

"As you wish, my Ari."

My sexy snake beast reached down between us and felt my wetness. He let out a harsh hiss and seeming to have lost his control, he plunged himself inside me without hesitation.

I let out a loud gasp as I saw stars.

So big.

Curtis paused and seemed to want to move again but looked at me to ensure I was okay and convey a silent request that I tell him when to move.

I was in pain, good pain. I reached up to run my hands along his abs and through his hair.

When the uncomfortable pulsing of my nether regions calmed down, I nodded at him to move.

Curtis took slow and cautious thrusts. Pleasure ensued quickly and I was a moaning mess once more.

Taking that as a sign, he sped up and began, for lack of a better term, fucking my brains out.

"Curtis, Curtis! I'm coming! Faster! Oh, fuck me!" I let out some porn star moans that I never knew I had in me but was not ashamed of.

Curtis' venom had started leaking from his fangs when he heard her lewd sounds. Hissing harshly, he bit into his forearm to stop the urge to bite into his sweet and beautiful mate.

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