Chapter 25

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I sighed heavily as I looked at the eight beasts lined up outside my home. The ape king did as he said he would and delivered the city's 'finest' at my doorstep.

I truly wanted to be anywhere but here.

I was holding a small basket with the baby snakes inside. They were hissing amongst themselves and slithering over each other. Curtis, Winston and I were going to head to the city's river for a swim. I now had two mates and six children that loved to play in water, so like the good wife and mother I am, I decided we would spend our day doing just that.

Harvey and Damien were out training and hunting. They were both determined to get stronger to protect our growing family and I loved them both dearly for it.

The beasts that I was presented with consisted of three wolves, two bears and three hawks. Two, in particular, caught my eye, a wolf and a bear that seemed to have been forced to be here if their sour expressions were anything to go by.

Tony and Shuu.

Should I be doing some light fangirling over Shuu? The wolf prince was very handsome, but he had never really stood out to me from the novel. Even if he wasn't giving me a look right now that told me to send him on his way, I wouldn't have mated with him.

The bear beast Tony. Persistent, that one. He never did know when to give up, but he wasn't down your throat with it, so I found him bearable from the novel but like with Shuu, I didn't want him.

I'd say that Qingqing already has these two wrapped around her pinkie finger. I'm not bent out of shape at that revelation, all I'm worried about now, is how to reject the other six beasts looking at me with hopeful eyes.

I looked at Curtis, he was hissing non-stop and looked ready to tear into any one of them that breathed the wrong way. Winston looked a bit more composed and calmer, but his tensed muscles and furrowed brows were more than enough for me to know his true feelings. I didn't need the mating marks to tell me that my mates did not approve.

I looked down to my babies, they were all hanging their heads over the edge of the basket and peeking at the beasts curiously.

So cute!

"Babies," I called to them. They all looked up at me and hissed as if to say, 'yes mommy?'

I reached down to stroke their silky-smooth skin as I asked, "What do you all think? Want any of them to be your new daddy?"

They all hissed and shook their heads.

I smiled at them and looked at the beasts once more, "Well they don't want any of you, and I don't either. I'm sorry if any of you are disappointed, but the answer is no."

The six of them that were actually interested looked dejected while Tony and Shuu looked relieved. They slowly started walking away.

Curtis let out a menacing hiss as he watched them leave, "Wait." They paused, "If I see any of you lurking around my Ari while she's out or if I detect your scent within twenty feet of my territory, I will rip you to shreds and gift your remains to your clan. Understood?"

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