Chapter 24

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Today, the men and I decided to head to a clearing, which had started blooming recently, for a picnic. There were many flowers of varying colors standing proudly and swaying in the light breeze. 

We laid our things out and sat down. I'd say we had a pretty good haul. We had many kinds of fruits, which was really for me since the men didn't partake in those often. Damien would sometimes, but he mostly liked when I fed them to him, and I always happily obliged when he would ask. 

We had deer meat, and boiled eggs since Winston had caught some more short birds, vegetables, and rice. 

Winston, being the adorable overprotective dad that he is, took to sharing my portion for me and blowing on it before feeding it to me. Something about not wanting the heat to burn my fingers. He must have forgotten that we had utensils. 

Sure sir, whatever floats your boat. 

We spent our afternoon peacefully gorging on our food and talking about irrelevant topics. 

"How would they know?" 

Harvey looked at Damien as if he had just asked him if he loves me. 

"What do you mean 'how would they know'?" Harvey replied. "You don't think beasts would notice and question the appearance of a large metal structure that does something only those of the bird clan can?"

Damien scoffed, "At this point, they can notice all they want. Flying gets exhausting sometimes, it would be nice to be flown around for a change."

I giggled from my spot of using Winston's lap as a chair as I listened to their conversation. Damien had really taken to my explanations of modern technology, especially the airplane. If he lived on earth, he'd definitely be a passenger princess. 

"All I'm saying is that if you think flying is fun, being flown around and not having to worry about all the specifics that go into it would be even better," Damien said.

I chimed in, "If you want to be flown around, I can always look for another flying mate and ask him to give you all the rides you'd like."

Damien frowned, "I'd never ask another man to carry me unless I was injured, even then, I'd be hesitant. That's why the plane you spoke of would be great and my pride would remain intact." He sighed dreamily at the thought.

I reached over and ran my hand through his short hair, "Sorry, hon but that won't be happening anytime soon. Take my offer or deal with it." 

I could feel his happiness through our bond, so I knew he was joking. 

"I'll deal with it," he mumbled.

"You better," I said.

I retracted my hand and leaned into my tiger once more. I was sitting in his lap sideways and had my feet hanging off the left of his body, just slightly above the ground. 

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