Chapter 33

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Well, to say the men were surprised by the revelation of there being a fifth mark would be an understatement. Initially, the focus was only placed on making time for Damien and Harvey to train hard and acquire their fourth marks but now, the men discussed a schedule they wanted to implement when we arrived at our new home.

I also informed Talia and her mates of the phenomenon, and her males were ready and raring to go. After seeing how hard Damien and Harvey were working to get stronger, as the strongest male in Talia's family, Jaxon, encouraged the others to do the same. Now Talia and I had a total of thirteen males on our hands that were ready to go out and terrorize colossals to get stronger.

I almost felt sorry for the colossals.

Even the cubs wanted to get in on the action. The tiger cubs were too young, so I promptly told them to calm their asses down and grow up some more, but the snake boys were welcomed to go crazy.

Not too crazy I reminded them. I didn't want any of them dying on me because they became power-hungry.

Talia had to deter her youngest as well. Since he was the only surviving member of his litter, he was very close to the older fox cubs. He wanted to go hunting with them, but like the tiger cubs, he was simply too young.

"I don't know what I started," I sighed as I vented to Talia.

We were getting ready to leave the rabbit village and watched as our men busied themselves with preparing everything. The reason we hadn't left earlier is because our destination isn't much further away from where we were. We had covered most of the distance over the past week since we made little to no stops along the way.

If I had to make a rough estimate, it was currently nine in the morning. Winston said that if we left now, we would be able to make a pit stop by the horse beastman village to gather some vegetables and herbs and arrive at our new home with an hour or two of daylight remaining.

Moving was going smoothly so far.

Talia heaved a sigh and rested her head on my shoulder, "Yeah, my family's a mess right now. Everyone is talking about how they want to get stronger, it's all they can talk about. How did you even hear of a fifth mark?"

I told her what I told my mates, "I saw texts speaking of beastmen having a fifth stage of strength they can acquire."

"Your tribe sounds so interesting, Isa. They must all be very smart. I've never heard of a fifth mark, but thinking about it now, four was sort of an odd number for the power peak."

"I agree. Who knows? They may even be able to go beyond that. It is a bit unfortunate that we can't also get stronger in that sense."

"That's true, feeling weak all the time is not something I'd recommend. Speaking of weak, when we get to the new place, could I ask Harvey for a checkup?"

"Well, you'd need to ask Harvey, he's the doctor after all. I'm sure he won't reject you. Why? Are you feeling unwell? Is the little one all right?"

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