Chapter 10

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The next day, we hit the ground running. Using the sandpit, freshening up and having breakfast were quickly gotten out of the way as I was determined to get our home completely cleaned today.

Harvey and I handled the rest of the dusting and sweeping while Curtis was on door duty, we had just used a sheet of board to cover the entrance last night.

Curtis built the door, very well might I add and by the time Harvey and I put the finishing touches on cleaning, I was hunched over trying the catch my breath while the calm, normal breathing leopard handed me a cup of water.

This is a man's world. How can you not even break a sweat after all of that?

Comparison is the thief of joy everyone.

After a much-needed break, I asked the men if getting some wool would be possible now and if we could find some bamboo so I could try my hand at weaving baskets for storage. The cotton needs to be stocked at all times.

Harvey left for the wool and Curtis got the bamboo. Following my instructions, he used his nails to make thin flexible strips for me to use.

With trial, error and some curse words, I made my first basket. Those weaving skills I never knew I had finally revealed themselves. Deciding I would make more tomorrow, Curtis brought the materials inside and set them in a corner.

Curtis asked if the basket was for carrying cubs around. I replied saying they are useful for much more things than that, storage being a main one. We then took a short stroll to the cotton field and got to picking. Basket now filled; we headed back home to see Harvey hauling a huge pile of wool inside.

"Ari, you never said why you wanted wool."

"I'm going to make pillows."

"What are those?"

I smiled, "You'll see."

I ran inside, thanked Harvey and assessed my materials.

"Curtis, what did you use to sew my clothes?"

"My hair and a fish bone"

I blinked.

Could've gone my whole life without knowing that.

"Can I have a few strands and the fish hook you used? A few from you too Harvey."

Not long after, I was presented with the requested items, three animal skin sacs were left, so I decided to only make that amount for now. I sewed all but one side of each then proceeded to stuff them with wool. Once done, I sewed the final side of each and handed one to each man.

They seemed very confused, so from my position on the floor, I demonstrated how they can be used. Both men seemed to not care much for the pillows but were proud of my accomplishment.

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