Chapter 5

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Curtis was stunned to a frozen state. Was this female too sheltered by her tribe to be asking a feral to mate? Or was she power hungry and simply wanted a strong male to protect her, then would neglect and mistreat him once they mated? A flurry of thoughts was rushing through the snake man's head.

She was a peculiar looking, albeit beautiful female as well. Her light brown skin seemed to be that color naturally, not due to being scorched in the broiling sun. Her midnight-colored mane seemed to have a mind of its own and Curtis decided he would not be shocked if the curls started moving without provocation. And those eyes. Her orbs glistened a brilliant amber, reminding Curtis of when he'd go lay in the sun for a bit to raise his temperature after an exceptionally cold night or winter.

She didn't run. Apparently, she likes his skin. She smiled at him, a genuine smile. As Curtis, peered down at the little female who was daring enough to approach him, he thought her an enigma.

"You are aware that I am a feral, yes?"

She nodded, "Yes."

"Then why are you proposing we mate? Do you know nothing of a feral's nature?" he probed, wanting an explanation.

"Well first of all, just because some or most of a population act a certain way, doesn't mean they are all like that. I asked you to be my male because, you are handsome, strong, and I would like to get to know you. Where I'm from, I could do that in a month or two then decide to call it quits, but the men here aren't built to handle rejection of that scale. So, rest assured, my interest in you is genuine and given you don't kidnap or assault me, unwavering."

Curtis took a moment to process what she said. He was having a bit of trouble deciphering a few of her vocabulary but using context clues he concluded that as long as he did not violate her, he could have a chance at a real relationship. His inherited memory held nothing even remotely close to this interaction, so he found himself at a loss on how to proceed.

The snake beast let out a low hiss as he slithered a bit closer to the girl, lessening the distance between them.

"If I am to be your male, I will not allow you to take another, we-"

I been waiting for this one.

I raised a hand, effectively pausing his no doubt upcoming speech of how he would monopolize me. 

"See, that's not going to work. I already have a male and fully intend on accepting more, -" Hiss, "let me finish please. I see you're a tetra-marked beast man, congratulations, you must have worked hard." He slightly puffed out his chest.

"But here's the thing Curtis, you hibernate in the winter. I am but a weak female in this world and as much as I despise to admit it, I need support to survive in this place...male support. I could never bring myself to ask males to be my guardian and never give them what we all know they want; my conscience would never let me sleep. So, I need to accept good capable males into my hare- cough sorry, family. If it's a case that you feel as though I would throw you aside as our family grows, I can promise you, that will not be the case."

Curtis seemed to ponder my words for some time, "Is your other male the leopard I smell on you? He is weak, you have not yet mated with him, I could easily steal you."

"Hey! Do not speak about Harvey that way, he's a sweetheart and a doctor. I've only known him for less than a day, but I already know he's one of the best males this world has to offer. Regarding the stealing bit, I mean it's not like I could stop you, but think. Would you rather a female you stole who will hate you for separating her from her first male and probably kill your children in front of you if you push her enough or would you prefer a home with said female, who is willing to get to know you and one day love you? " I questioned. 

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