Chapter 47

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"Look out!" Harvey heard from behind him before he was pushed harshly to the floor.

A heavy weight was settled atop his person before it moved, allowing him to look at the massive boulder that rolled at top speed down the hillside. It crushed everything in its path as it made its descent.

Harvey would have been one of those things had he not been pushed out of the way.

"Where's your head leopard!?" Ezra spats disdainfully at the dazed leopard beast. He reached out his hand to help the leopard stand but growled after two seconds passed and Harvey had yet to grab his hand. "Get your head on straight Harvey! What has you so deep in thought that you were about to be crushed to death by a pebble rolling down the hill? How embarrassing of a death that would have been."

"You......have no filter, huh?" Victor asked awkwardly from behind the sabertoothed tiger.

Ezra ignored his comment and simply looked at Harvey, waiting for his reply. Harvey seemed to snap out of his dazed state after a few seconds.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly, "I was just mentally going over all the tests I did on Isa to see if I missed anything. Thank you, by the way."

"Yeah, yeah. You're welcome. Isa would be devastated if her favorite healer died, much less so lamely, so it was more for her than you. Anyways, did you? Miss any tests I mean?" The sabretoothed tiger brushed off the leopard's gratitude. He would hardly admit that he was looking out for a brother.

You'd have to torture that information out of him.

Harvey grabbed his hand, allowed himself to be pulled up and he, Ezra and Victor continued their journey behind the others.

"No, not that I can think of. When we settle for the night, I'll check her over a few more times."

Talia's and Isa's families have been travelling for two days now with little to no breaks.

After the events that had prompted their speedy departure had passed the first day, the group hadn't spoken much about it. Some seemed to be still trying to wrap their heads around the sudden disturbance.

The earth had yet to stabilize itself as boulders that have been perched in the same position for eons were tumbling out of place, trying to find their new laying spots for the next millennia or so if nature would allow.

Talia took to sleeping most of the time and allowed herself to be lugged around by her husbands. The best way to pass the time, she reasoned and less hassle for the men if she were to grow antsy otherwise.

The journey hadn't been smooth. They had crossed paths with a few rootless beastmen that had set their sights on the two females the group was carrying. They, however, were swiftly dealt with, leaving only maimed corpses as evidence.

They were currently making a swift closing on their journey and have been travelling uphill for a few hours. It was unavoidable, much to the beastmens' irritation. They had to dodge incoming rocks and pay closer attention than usual to their footing as they treaded along, since once more, the earth had yet to restabilize itself.

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