Chapter 3

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Harvey found the female that stumbled upon his hut to be quite odd. She was polite and thankful which was a marvel in and of itself, but she also smelt heavenly. Like a grassy field after it just rained, clean, refreshing and comforting, a stark contrast from what he was accustomed to. Though her already light brown skin was covered with thick dark brown flakey masses, her beautiful amber eyes and long curly black hair were a sight to behold. He still remembers how her hair seemed to be dancing around her face as she peered up at him, asking for help. 

It's good that she is not too beautiful, maybe I can ask to be her male and we won't have worry about other males trying to steal her.

Just as he had that thought he heard her soft, melodic voice sound from the wash area.

"Harvey, do you have any extra clothes? Mine are filthy."

"Clothes?" He asked confused.

"It's another word for cloth," came her reply.

"Oh yes, I have some, but none are suitable for you to wear comfortably. I'll give you a large one to wrap around yourself for now then make some fitted cloth for you after dinner." 

"That would be perfect Harvey, thank you."

A light blush colored Harvey's cheeks as he was once again caught off guard by the female's- no, Isa's kindness. He fetched the cloth and left them at the entrance of the washroom, notifying her in the process, and then resumed roasting some deer meat.

A little while later, Harvey's senses where pleasantly invaded with the smell of his hopefully soon to be female. He turned to face her and stopped short. Beautiful. The brown masses on her skin were gone. Were they just mud? How could I be so dense and not notice before. She's stunning, too stunning for a weak male like me to protect her. She will need a lot of males.

Marissa was glad to have showered and finally feel like a person again.

Can't believe I arrived in this world in a mud pit. Glad I got all that mud off, definitely missing soap though. I don't feel clean enough.

"What are you cooking Harvey? Smells delicious."

"Deer meat, you're just in time because it is done. Come eat, Isa."

I walked over and accepted Harvey's offering of deer meat on a leaf plate. Taking a bite, my stomach growled appreciatively but just salt as seasoning wasn't going to do, when we were surrounded by all types of spices and seasonings. I set my portion down and walked over to Harvey's stash. I paused...

Turning to him I said, "May I?" while motioning to the seasonings. He looked at me quizzically but nodded. I grinned and dove for pepper, onion, and garlic among others. Since the meat was already cooked, I settled for a paste of sorts. Borrowing Harvey's mortar and pestle, I went to work.

When I was done with the paste, I scooped some up and used another leaf to rub it in the meat. Of course, this won't be the best because meat is better marinated, but it was better than nothing. I took a bite and groaned in delight.

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