how you guys first met

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finney: You were new in the neighbourhood and knew basically no one there. You were walking around the neighbourhood one day. Trying to get used to it when you saw, a group of three kids beating up a boy with curly brown hair, and not to mention a younger girl who you assumed was his sister. 

Instantly you sprinted towards the scene and yelled, "GET THE FUCK AWAY YOU PIECES OF SHIT!" Before swinging a punch at the kid who was roughly kicking the boy's stomach. After beating all of them up easily you helped the two injured ones up. Finney thanked you a million times and you couldn't help but notice how cute he looked when he smiled and blushed. 

Since that day, he always had a thing for you and you two became inseparable.

robin: you were watching the fight scene between Moose and Robin when things started to get heated. More punches were getting swung, as well as more blood getting drawn. The crowd was getting a bit too aggressive with their hyping up and cheering too. You caught the boy, Robin sending glances your way as well as a wink which caused your cheeks to heat up. 

The crowd moved closer to the fight and before you knew it a few people behind you accidentally pushed you into the fight, you stumbled towards Moose who pushed you to the floor and swung a punch. You groaned in pain.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF HER!" Robin spat at Moose before beating his head practically through the ground. Robin took you to his house after and you both helped patch each other up. You noticed that many times he was admiring you when you stood between his legs wrapping his knuckles.

vance: You just moved in and while you were riding your bike around the place you noticed a Grab N Go. So, you walked in and your eyes were immediately drawn to the pinball game which a boy with curly blonde hair was playing. After waiting a while for him to finish you noticed that he didn't nudge. You asked a girl beside you who was obviously admiring the tall figure, "When do we get to have a go?" The girl basically laughed at your question.

"You don't, unless you wanna get beaten to death." She continued admiring, you shrugged and walked through the crowd of people who were watching him almost beat his high score.

"Excuse me, can I have a go?" You asked, as the boy's blue eyes watched the game in focus.

"Move out of my fucking way, you're gonna distract me." He mumbled in concentration. 

"Who the fuck do you think you are, dickhead?" You laughed at him, he stopped looking at the game and instead at you.  

You pushed him aside when the red lights flashed showing that he just lost. 

"YOU FUCKING MADE ME LOSE! BITCH YOU'RE GONNA PAY!" Vance yelled as you started playing a new game, you simply shrugged.

"Shoulda kept your eyes on the game." You replied with a grin. You were kind of scared that he'd beat you up, but instead you heard him scoff with a smirk before walking away. Vance instantly loved how brave you were unlike all the other girls who were such pussies in approaching him.

bruce: You were at Finney's baseball game which had just come to an end, you were walking through the crowded audience, attempting to get down to your best friend and try cheer him up. The winning team started coming up to the bleachers because the audience were all cheering and high fiving them. 

All of a sudden, you got nudged aside and almost fell down the bleachers. A strong arm quickly wrapped around your waist catching you from your fall.

"You okay?" The handsome boy with dark hair asked you. You gulped and nodded, stepping forward into his chest. Neither of you moved as he looked down to your eyes. You and noticed him playing earlier, and he was definitely good.

"Yeah, thanks." You nodded with a smile, he introduced himself and gave you his phone number before leaving you with a short kiss to the cheek.

Finney said when you were walking home that it was the start of teen romance and you couldn't stop blushing.

billy: (this one is a bit short sorry :(( ) you were locking the door from your house, on your way to see your best friend Gwen, when all of a sudden something quiet hard hit your head.

"Ow!" You yelled while rubbing the back of your head, you turned around to see that it was a newspaper that hit you.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" A boy shouted before jumping off of his bike and running towards you. You frowned slightly.

"It's fine don't worry!" You quickly smiled, and he didn't stop apologising. You insisted that it was fine and an accident. After a while of him still apologising, he offered buying you snacks. Which he did the next day and left it on your front porch with a small note.

hope u like <33

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