you dont want to have sex yet

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the characters are aged up!! to 17+

-you and finney had been talking  about having sex for quite some time
-and you got the vibe that it would be today
-"so y/n i was thinking-" your boyfriend begun talking
-"i don't wanna do it just yet." you blurt out.
-"wait what?" finney asks, puzzled.
-"i'm not ready to-" you start to explain, a bit embarrassed.
-"baby, are you talking about having sex, coz i don't think i'm ready either." he lets out a breathy laugh
-you and him talk about it for a while, and happy you're on the same term.

-robin was on top of you, both of your shirts were off and you knew where this was going
-you didn't want to make robin sad and he didn't know you were a virgin
-"y/n are you sure?" he asked before he could go any further.
-you panicked and didn't reply for a few seconds, your heart was beating so fast
-"uh, yeah, just do it." you say and fake a smile
-robin looks down at you with a sweet smile and kisses your forehead before cuddling beside you
-"what are you doing, i thought-" you begin but he shushes you
-"i'm not stupid darling, i know you're not ready and i don't want you to do anything you don't want." he whispers in your ear.
-"robin, im a virgin." you whisper back embarrassed
-"i know." he smiles back, "i love you." he tells you
-"i love you too."

-you and vance were making out on his bed, you weren't complaining, i mean it was really good
-but the other day in school, the popular girls told you something that worried you
-"he just wants your body for sex, if you don't give him what he wants, he'll just leave you." one of them said
-"he won't ever actually love you, you're fucking pathetic if you haven't done anything yet."
-their words repeated in your head, you tried to concentrate on kissing vance but it wasn't working
-is it true...?
-"you alright gorgeous?" he says in a raspy voice against your lips.
-when you don't respond he looks at you and you notice the tear going down your cheek
-quickly you wipe it away and nod your head
-"shit... um, did i do something? did i hurt you?" he questions
-"are you gonna leave me if we don't have sex?" you mumble
-"what the fuck? of course not!" he says in utter shock
-you explain to him what the girls said and he hugs you through all of it
-"i'd never do that to you, im not like that."
-you kiss his cheek

-he had just finished a game and you were going to his house
-before you left one of his team mates shouted, "use protection!!!" as a joke
-bruce rolled his eyes and laughed, you just laughed with him.
-"sooo... what you wanna do?" bruce asks you as you both lay on his bed
-"uhm..." your brain was obviously overthinking
-"how about we have s-" bruce begins saying
-"i don't think i'm ready, im really really sorry bruce."
-"what do you mean you aren't ready, don't you want some cookies, we can have donuts instead." bruce laughs and you flush in embarrassment
-"oh you meant that." you say dryly, covering your face with your hands
-"right. you thought i meant sex." bruce says with a comforting smile
-"it's just earlier today you're friends kept talking about it.
-"ignore them, this relates is between you and me, not any of those dickheads."
-you laugh

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