revenge - V.H

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tw: blood, fight, language

Vance Hopper and y/n l/n always had fights, since they were young they despised eachother. However, when they grew up they started doing a little something that everyone in the school called, "one hit revenge".

In simpler terms Vance would prank y/n and they'd have a fight in the most unusual places, and a few days later y/n would do the same thing. Over the months it's gotten so creative.

Y/n would steal his significant knife and while he'd be having a tantrum by hitting the lockers she'd wave it mockingky in his face, and then she would kick him in the back of his knee before blowing him a cheeky kiss.

Vance was playing pinball and y/n was in the shop, no one assumed that when he was a few points from beating his high score he'd trip y/n up, leave a punch, and run away with her candy.

"Better luck next time princess." He'd smirk while running out.

Y/n was the only one who had the guts to fight Vance, even though she often lost.

It's been one week since that happened, and the whole school were waiting for y/n to pull her move. Even Vance was growing furious,
and a bit worried, had he gone too far?

- -

You stood by your locker looking around the crowded corridor. Today was when you were going to get Vance back. You looked at Finney who slowly walked your way and nodded at you with a cheeky smile, you looked your other way and smiled at Robin who nodded in excitement.

You checked your watch, "3...2...1..." you mumbled. You were spot on, Vance and his
little gang began walking down the corridor.

Why was he with his gang... they usually never come...? Oh well.

You get rid of the thought and hide behind your locker door a bit until they had passed and now it was your turn.

"NOW FINNEY!" You yelled with an eager grin, the corridor heard and excitement grew as they realised that it was your turn.

Finney threw the baseball ball towards you and rolled the baseball bat. You grabbed it, "HEY DICKFACE!" You screamed towards Vance, he recognised the nickname and the excitement in your voice immediately. He stopped in his tracks and smiled.

"HEADS UP!" You shouted before throwing the ball in the air and swinging it as hard as you could. You watched as the ball hit the back of his head and he let out an annoyed grunt.

"ROBIN, ROBIN!" Before Vance could grab the ball, Robin quickly ran towards it and threw it back to you, you caught it and began your run.

"SON OF A BITCH!" Vance yelled annoyed as he rubbed his head and began to chase you, but he tripped.

Robin stuck out his foot causing him to fall and immediately dashed away. Vance picked himself up growling at Robin before running away and his gang followed.

Finney ran up to Robin with a terrified look, "It was just supposed to be Vance after her... not all of them." He tells his friend. Robin pats his shoulder, "She'll be fine... i hope."

"ALRIGHT GUYS SHOW IS OVER!" Robin yells causing disappointment to echo.

The show had only begun with you, you ran past the houses and ended up near Grab N Go, when you turned around a worried expression filled your face. Why the fuck were they all running after me? Your lungs burnt and muscles ached, you didn't notice the rock beneath your foot until you tumbled forward grazing your forearms.

You turned over and the air left your lungs as Vance jumped on you and smirked, you laughed in return and tried to get out of his grip.

"Interesting plan you had princess, but that's gonna leave a bruise." He muttered in your face, his warm breath made you fold, "Good." You simply replied with a grin.

He got up off of you and offered his hand to help you up. You gave him a confused look but took his hand as he hauled you up.

"Beat her the fuck up Vance." His friend snarled, Vance stiffened and looked at you.

"Shut up motherfucker." He hissed, before giving you a dirty look and walking away. What the fuck just happened...?

Vance walked away but a few of his friends stood there glaring at you like prey. You turned around and started to walk before someone grabbed your hair.

"OW!" You whined when a punch landed on your nose, someone grabbed your hands behind your back and punches and kicks were sent your way.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" You yelled, this instantly caught Vance's attention. He turned around and you never ever saw him this angry.

He began approaching you and everyone stood still, you wiped the blood from your nose and tried ignoring the fear that came rushing through you.

Is Vance gonna beat me up aswell...?

Vance pushed the kid who punched you in the face and pounded them one by one into the floor, he grabbed the kid who held onto you and kicked him right in the nose sending a satisfying crack, you swept the last guy standing and once he landed on the floor you kicked his face and muttered, "piece of shit..."

Vance looked down at his friends he just beat the living shit out of, loudly he said, "She's fucking mine, and mine only motherfuckers!"

Vance grabbed your arm and pulled you away. You were so confused and didn't know what to say.

He went into grab n go to buy some supplies before sitting in an empty alley helping you with your injuries.

"Y/n-" he begun, but you cut him off by smashing your lips onto his.

After a while he kissed you back and you felt him smile into it.

"Fucking finally." He smirked.

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