if you fainted

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you two were in his bed, you stood up and fainted.
he'd start panicking but try calm himself down, would place your head on his lap and shake you gently.
he'd grab a cold towel and dap it on your cheeks, you'd wake up and feel dizzy
"shhh, just relax baby." your boyfriend would whisper soothingly as your head aches.
he would rub your head peacefully, planting kisses along your forehead.
he got you a glass of water and would make sure you're okay every second, to the point it annoyed you, but god did you love this boy.

"can i have some water please amorrrr!" he whines as you pass him a bag of crisps betting ready for movie night.
"yeah of course-" you fell and every blacked out
"Y/N!? shit shit..." he kneels down and carries you to the sofa bridal style before cupping your face and stressing
"Y/N! wake up! please wake up!" he overreacts and doesn't know what to do, he checks your heartbeat and relaxes slightly.
he unzips your hoodie and ties your hair away from your face trying to cook you down.
"robin." you groan as you sit up, he smiles knowing you're okay and instantly goes to get water and anything you want.
"it's so hot." you sigh as you sit up on your elbows.
"let me open a window babe."

"god vance i don't feel good, can we go home?" you ask as you try walk straight beside your boyfriend. you and him were buying a bunch of snacks for later.
"can you just wait a minute please?" he kisses your head, "lemme pay and we'll get going." he promises as he notices your paleness.
you walk to the car and everything goes blurry and your ears ring.
"vance..." you mumble before fainting. vance catches you before you can hit the floor. he lays you down in the back of the car and stares at you in shock
"nah what the fuck do i do..." he mumbles feeling guilty.
"y/n, y/n! cmon wake up!" he pinches your shoulder a few times.
after a minute you wake up and your head swims, you try sit up but feel vances strong arms push you back down.
"relax for a bit, and when you're ready we can start going." vance whispers, he traces the side of your hip.
"thank you vance..." you say with a weak smile
"you stressed me out big time, don't be doing this again alright?" he laughs.

"just one more mile!" bruce motivates you. you two were doing his morning run which he sometimes drags you to do.
urgh the downsides of having a sporty boyfriend. running wasn't too bad, but you hadn't eaten breakfast and your head was swimming.
"you got this!" bruce yells as you try catch up. your legs go weak and you fall on the grass, fainting.
"or maybe not..." bruce says feeling bad for pushing you so much. he crouches beside you, your heading swaying lightheadedly.
he knew what to do, as you sat on the muddy grass he gently pushed your head between your knees.
after a while you felt better
"no more running, let's grab some water, gimme your hand." he insists and you do so
"you know you were like 2cm away from landing on dog shit." he laughs and you laugh with him
"yeah i think you stepped on that." you point at his new shoes

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