jealousy scale

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-he'd rarely get jealous because you remind him how much you love him and that he's much more than good enough
-knows how much you love eachother
-doesn't care if people are watching you and talk about you, only if it makes you uncomfortable

-would hate when people flirt with you or eye you in a weird way
-would usually shout at them or threaten them
-very rarely would get in a fight

-please if someone lays your eyes on you it's basically a death wish
-hate if anyone speaks about you in a way they shouldn't
-almost killed someone who mad you uncomfortable
-or he'd make out with you to show your his (in public 😲)

-wouldn't do much about it in public but when you two get home hed tell you how he doesn't like the guys who look or flirt with you
-hates it but at this point he just deals with it

-this boy is so sweet, the only time he's jealous is when you hang with his dog more than him

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