how they'd react to you saying I love you

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- at first he'd think he misheard what you said

- ask you to repeat

- when you say it again, he pulls you into a deep kiss

-pulls away and says it back to you almost a hundred times

-smiles so much the rest of the day everything thinks he's high

-robin makes fun of how in love he is


- would ask, "you love me?" with such cute eyes.

- you'd nod and he'd say it back to you

-you cuddle for the rest of the night

-and you catch him blushing non stop

-he keeps saying it to you like it's the first time and you love how cute he is about it


- you just said it naturally and didn't even notice

-when vance goes quiet you realise you said it

-vance asks, "why do you love me?" he says it in pain almost

-you tell him a long speech about why

-he has a breakdown because no one has ever said that and meant it

- the next day he buys you flowers and whispers it into your ear when you hug.

- you give him time knowing his family problems.


- you say it after his game

- he lifts you up and kisses you passionately

-he tells you that he does too

- and he goes around telling all his team mates with the biggest grin


-blushes uncontrollably


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