why you break up

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the bullying had just kept getting worse for finney, and the stress from exams wasn't helping either
"i need to focus on exams... and i want you to feel comfortable in school." you explain
"i-i agree... just a break?" he whispers, you nod.
it was a mutual agreement to break up. you both were heartbroken, but you both hoped that after a few months break you'd get back together.

he never listened to you. you wanted to keep him safe and he always just accused you of bossing him around so you had enough.
"you need to stop getting into fights!" you tell at him as you clean his cuts.
"this is like the hundredth time you've said!" he complains and you scoff.
"so why haven't you still stopped?!" you ask back and he stares at you in anger
"you're so boring! GOD! you're acting like my mum, do this, do that. get a fucking life and stop bossing me around!" he blurts out and instantly regrets. you drop his bloody hands and feel the tears heat up.
"go clean your own damn cuts, this is over." you say.

you and vance argued. but not this much to the point you dreaded seeing him and cried every night. the arguing had become constant and it was so overwhelming.
"can you pass the remote vance." you asked, he glared at you and then throws it, landing on your lap. you scoff and he rolls his eyes.
"no, thank you?" he hisses.
"oh grow the fuck up vance!" you tell annoyed already.
"me!? you're fucking telling me to grow up!? you're the one bickering and saying shit and making it worse plus starting all this!" he accuses while pointing at you.
"how the fuck am i the one starting this!?" you ask.
"just go the fuck away. leave." vance says sternly with glossy eyes.
"y-you don't mean that..." you try stay strong.
"oh i fucking do." vance says back
"fine. im going, and this is fucking over! go fuck yourself vance fucking hopper!" you say before flipping him off.
"FUCKS SAKE!" you hear him yell then a bang before you leave.
you cry when you go home and it feels like it never stops.

"did you kiss her, or did you not?" you ask trying to remain calm.
"for the millionth time y/n, NO! i'm with you, why the fuck would i kiss bethany!?" he yells in frustration.
"well the whole fucking baseball team say otherwise, and that you hung out with her before you kissed!" you protest.
"yes okay, i hung out with her but that's it! and you know how they are, they're gonna make rumours up! i need you to trust me when i tell you i didn't kiss her." he pleads, you shake your head with overwhelming thoughts.
"you hang out with her more than me at this point." you say quietly.
"i-i know but..." you cut him off
"yeah. goodbye bruce." you say before walking off, and once you do you see bethany walking up to your boyfriend.
your ex.

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