you see him cry for the first time

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-you decided to surprise your boyfriend, but when you got to his room you noticed he was in his bed crying
-your heart sunk at the sigh of him, you'd never seen him like this
-"oh finney... a-are you okay?" you'd whisper to him before letting him cuddle you
-"am i good enough for you?" hed look up at you with tears and red blotchy cheeks.
-"what a stupid question!? you're more than good enough, why the heck would you think that?" you'd explain, genuinely hurt
-"moose t-told me that i-i'm never gonna be good enough for you." he explained quietly.
-"moose is a humongous asshole who has nothing better to do than attack our relationship, baby you're the love of my life, you're perfect for me!"
-smother him in face kisses until he stops crying

-you two were in the middle of your rare arguments, it was getting quite heated and all of a sudden robin let out a loud sob
-he covered his face and cried into his palms, you both went silent
-"d-do you wanna break u-up...?" he cried, your heart stung from his words
-"no... robin, i don't, please don't cry..." you whispered, now on the verge of tears
-"come here my love..." you'd whisper and hold your arms out, hed walk towards you and hug you tightly
-"i'm sorry for shouting at you y/n, i love you." robin would tell you.
-"i'm sorry too. i love you more."

-your boyfriend always knew you were aware about his abusive dad
-but you never knew it was this bad
-you went into his room to be met with vance sitting in the floor, back against the wall, shaking and crying.
-"oh my- vance, are you okay?" you asked, scared and heartbroken from the state of him.
- he looks up to see you and you notice the bruises covering his face
-"vance what happened." you asked sternly, you held his hands and vance's jawline twitched
-"he fucking hit me." he answers emotionlessly.
-"i'm so sorry v, i-i never knew it was this bad." you told him feeling guilty, you'd never seen vance cry before let alone in this state
-"i felt like i couldn't breathe. i'm so fucking pathetic and weak and-" he got angry
-"hey vance! stop saying that! it's normal to have emotions and you have to know that." you tell him
-"i love you shitface." vance mumbles and you hug him
-"i love you too stinker." you laugh slightly before helping him with the bruises.
-you let him sleep at yours for a while

-bruce was having a bad day, he lost his match, got in a fight with his parents, and nothing was going his way
-you were watching a film together but you could tell something was off
-"you okay bruce?" you whisper and once you asked he faces you and a test goes down his cheek
-"i-i feel like absolute shit today..." he cries with a small laugh at how silly he sounds, you cup his cheeks and kiss his nose
-"please don't cry baby, i'm sorry you feel like that." you tell him
-you were at first a bit shocked to see him like this but eventually tried comforting him
-after a while it worked and you hugged him tightly
-"feeling better?"
-"yes thank you sweetheart, i love you."

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀/𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀- 📞Where stories live. Discover now