watching a horror film with them

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he'd be pissing himself in fear. he'd probably be more scared than you. every jump scare he'd scream and you'd hug each other closer. at this point you'd be terrified too. you'd have a sleepover after the film, but both of you would be scared as fuck. "go to bed." you would whisper under the covers facing him, the two of you wide awake. "no you go to sleep first." he'd argue back, fear in his voice. "im too scared, what if i close my eyes then get chainsawed alive." you whisper shout, scaring yourself even more so you embrace him harder to the point your crushing him. "that film was fucked up." he would say while resting his chin on your warm soft hair. "honestly..."



"SHIT Y/N WE'RE DEAD!" he screams as well.

"you pussies, it's just me." gwen erupted in laughter.


"do you like the film?" robin whispered in your ear as you watched the abosulityly petrifying film.

"uhuh..." you lied. you knew how. much robin adored these films and you felt as though you had to like them too. to impress him. but in reality you couldn't stand the film. every second there was a jump scene and you flew onto of robin screaming but then playing it off.

"SHIT! AHHH!" you screamed as the murderer appeared once again on the screen with a flash. 

"you good?" robin giggled slightly at your reaction. you climb don top of him and placed your face in the crook of his neck.

"switch if off please robin." you cried slightly and he caressed your back.

"baby you could've told me you didn't like the film." he switched it off and planted kisses on your forehead,

"but id disappoint you." you said embarrassingly.

"fuck no. i swear i dont give a shit wether you like these films or not." he reassured you.

"thank fuck. because that was scary as hell and i am staying over for the next week because im definitely having nightmares so you're gonna have to deal with my snoring lazy ass." you ramble.

"perfect." he kisses you with a genuine grin.


"this is some creepy shit." you mumble as you sit beside vance who stares at the film with no reaction.

"not really." he replies with a smirk.

"lets do something else." you whine, hating the film and the lack of attention.

"its my favourite film though!" he protests and elbows you slightly in annoyance. you sigh and continue watching the film, peeping from under the blanket draped over the two of you.

you watch his face, the tv light illuminating his features perfectly. god he was so hot.

he flinches slightly at the jump scare but you weren't lying attention, you were too invested in vance.

"babyyyy..." you whined shuffling closer to him, bored as fuck by the movie.

"shut up." he grumbled.

"fine. we can play that game." you caught him off guard and straddled him, pressing down hard against him.

he groaned and his lit up, flicking towards you.

"never mind, cmere." he switched the tv off and smashed his lips on you but you instantly pulled away.

"never mind. you said you wanted to watch your film." you said in a bratty tone.

"you bitch." he snarled with a snarky grin before pushing you and topping you.

"you're hot when your mad." you tell him driving him nuts.


"SWITCH THIS OFF Y/N, RIGHT NOW!" your boyfriend screamed at you as he threw the popcorn in the air.

"bruce its not even that bad!" you replied laughing at your boyfriends' reaction.

"YOURE RIGHT! ITS WORSEEE!" he cried and scooped you closer to him.

"fine fine." you finally let in and switched it off.

"you told me it was a comedy!" he whined as he crushed you with his tight embraces.

"it basically was!" you giggled but he looked at you with a serious face.

"which part? the part where he murdered the dog?!" he protested once again.

"alright alright that scene actually almost made me cry." you told him while stroking his face.

"honestly gosh." he shook his head.

"I love you." you tell him kissing him

"I love you too, but that's stopping if you ever show me a film like that ever again."

"fine!" you laugh.

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