how it would be moving in together

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you two would get a cute little house

and make it so homely and decorate it so cutesies

you guys get along so well, you so very rarely bug each other.

you'd both clean, wash up, do chores and make sure to work together.


"put the bloody toilet seat down!" you'd yell a million times a day.

"stop rearranging my clothes y/n!" he'd yell at you.

"stop shitting and stinking up the toilet!" you'd say.

"y/n you keep eating my food.."

"you calling me fat?" 

"no, NEVER!"


you two would bicker but never take it to heart

you'd rarely work well around the house together.

but even with arguments here and there

you'd manage to have sm fun and talk it through

you guys would do so much together... ;)

like movie nights, take out, make out... and stuff.. and you two would love the idea of sharing a bed


you two would usually argue a lot, and before living together, vance would usually leave trhough your bedroom window to go back to his house in anger.

but u two couldn't do that now.

you were stuck together.

so after an argument (quite often, over petty shit.)

the house would be silent. you upstairs, him downstairs.

until  you would  go to the vance and hug him in silence until he kisses you

or vance would yell from downstairs "fuck y/n, im sorry, this is awkward, come downstairs and ill make it up to you."

or the two of you would make your way to each other, stop when you see that both of you were finding the other, and make out.

"fuck, I love you, even when you piss me off you're hot..." he'd murmur and kiss you

"what can I say, I'm perfect..." you'd mock.

"fuck yeah you are."

but no matter what you'd figure it out.

and you two would make out... a lot.

everywhere in the house ... bc no one can walk in on you two.

and surprisingly vance does most the chores... and well?





absolute. child.

he'd always run around the house, spilling drinks, and dancing or doing karaoke.

you'd join in unless you had to clean up or he was annoying you.

but you had to admit he was always fun and put a smile on your face.

but sharing a bed was difficult with him...

because he always sleep talks...

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