things you find hot in them

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-how he places his head on his cheek when he concentrates in class.
-how hard he blushes when you catch him staring at you
-when he rarely gives you a dirty smirk
-when he places his finger under your chin and tilts your head up
-when he cuddles you from behind and gives you neck kisses

-whenever he's in a fight, before throwing his last punch he looks at you and winks
-when he takes his blood stained shirt off and asks you to help him clean his cuts
-putting his hair up in a bun while his triceps flex
-calling you spanish nicknames
-when he rolls his eyes with an amused grin

-mostly when he's making out with you and asks you to put his hair in a bun before he continues so it doesn't tickle you
-how his jawline tightens when he concentrates on pinball
-how he smirks at you proudly when you tell some guy who's flirting with you to fuck off
-when he very rarely bites his lip when he looks down at you
-leans against the doorframe and smirks while eyeing you

-when he plays baseball
-when he has mud or black paint smeared under his eyes and his hair is all messed up
-when he laughs and throws his head back
-sigh and tilt his head at you

-brush his hand through his hair
-when he braids your hair and kisses your forehead
-saying how gorgeous you are in a raspy whisper

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