their mental health

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some topics may be sensitive! talks of ed, sh.

you found out he had an eating disorder
it ached your heart to know you didn't see sooner
you made sure to be there for him and help him improve.
you felt guilty as one of the reasons was that he felt as if he wasn't good enough and has to look better physically.
after four months of being there for him, he had recovered.

he had an anxiety attack in front of you a few days back.
he instantly felt bad for not telling you.
whenever it happened you were there for him.
being close with him somewhat helped him focus on his breathing and calm down.

he would have anger issues and breakdowns. the breakdowns would include him doubting and hating himself.
it happened at least once a week. only you saw this side of him, everyone else saw him as an angry tough fighter.
little did they know he cried to you about how he was anxious about going to see his dad, the pressure he had, and so much more.
all you could do was be there for him and listen on nights like these.

self h$rm. you were speechless when you saw the scars across his forearm.
he noticed you scanning his arm and hid it away.
you comforted him and he finally opened up to you.
he explained how he stopped a year ago, and it was from all the pressure he had from his parents. he felt as if he was numb and felt empty.
you kissed each of his scars. leaving faint kiss marks of pink lipsticks he didn't wipe off.

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