class together

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a/n- i love how i'm js spamming updates and @goldylovesrobin and @phone_things_  are keeping me company w the quick comments. LOVE YALL😍

you'd have only maths together.
you absolutely suck at maths, like every other subject.
you'd copy his work, and he'd let you.
if you were really confused, which was 99% of the time, hed explain it very well. unlike your annoying teacher.
you two would get work done quick and hold hands occasionally under the table

as i've said... many detentions together for talking too much, and laughing or not doing enough work.
both of you were incredibly hella dumb in science which was the only lesson you shared.
so tests never ended well, robin wrote on about shit and history, even though the question was about acids. and you just doodled on his hand.

you two would have registration together and pe.
as much as you two loved eachother. pe was a battle field for the two of you.
during dodgeball you'd aim for him, and him only.
one time he'd hit you in the face so hard you ran to the changing rooms with a bloody nose. him obviously following you.
if the two of you were in a pair or a team. you'd destroy. EVERYONE
but you got a lot of detentions for messing around and swearing.

luckily you had every lesson together. and in most of them you say beside eachother chatting shit or talking bad about the teacher.
only bad thing is, bruce is very bad at whispering and ends up practically shouting how annoying every class is.
if you ever got a detention he'd make sure to get one with you too

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