if you flinched

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-you were both arguing about Donna
-you had seen them talking earlier and she was kind of touchy and when you had asked finney if he saw her today he denied it
-you were mainly mad that he lied
-half way through, he threw his hands in the air in annoyance
-you flinched slightly and tears rolled down your cheek
-"Baby, oh my gosh, did you think i was going to hit you?" he whispered in sadness
-"I would never...i-i'm not like my dad..." he tries convincing you and himself
-he starts getting worried
-you give him a hug and he whispers against the crook of your head
-"i'm sorry about donna... i-i'm sorry about shouting at you... i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry my love..."

-robin knew you were having problems with your dad at home
-mid argument he raised his voice and started yelling loudly
-you flinched and shut your eyes instantly
-it was silent after you did this, the only sound being robin's footsteps towards you.
-"fuck y/n... i'm sorry." he says realising he went too far
-you just wrap your arms around him and cry
-"talk to me about it mi amor... please." he begs with glossy eyes
-and so you do, he doesn't let go of you the entire time

-you and vance were having an argument about him almost beating the shit out of a kid he ended up in hospital
-he was extremely angry today, mainly because he just got released by the police
-you flinched when he stood in front of you with clenched fists
-he froze, and was speechless for almost a minute
-"you think i would hurt you...?" vance whispers, you had never seen him more hurt
-"i'd never lay a fucking finger on you that would cause you pain."
-"do you not trust me...or....fuck y/n are you scared of me?" he asks in shock
-you tell him that you love him, and he has a breakdown still hurt
-you explain to him that before you moved here kids always used to hurt you

-he was really confused when you flinched
-"why did you flinch?" he would simply ask in confusion
-"i-i don't know..." you replied
-he would hold your hands and peck your neck
-"sorry if i scared you sweetheart, you're nothing but safe by my side."
-he continues planting soft kisses down your neck down to your chest
-it gets a bit heated

-after you flinch he would understand why
-billy unfortunately always aims at you when throwing news papers
-let's say his aim was pretty off...
-"jeez love, i really need to work on my aiming if this is what it causes." he mutters while giving you a quick but soft kiss
-"in fact, i will get off of my bike every morning when i reach your house and leave the newspaper neatly on your porch with a note."
-and that's what he did, leaving notes every morning without hitting you 🤭

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀/𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀- 📞Where stories live. Discover now