they first see you naked

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you two had just come back for a walk together,  it was supposed to be a nice weather however it started pouring
he had given you a change of clothes, one of his hoodies and shorts
you were getting changed in the bathroom, and out of all timings finney had walked in on you when you were fully naked
"FINN!" you scream as you try cover most of your body. he gasps but doesn't move his eyes, they're stuck on your body.
"Oh uh, s-sorry..." he quickly snaps back to reality from his thoughts and leaves.
once your done, you walk out and find him standing there, waiting for you awkwardly.
"y/n, you're like so so pretty." he blushes.

you two were going swimming in a lake, it was late at night, around 2am. you honestly didn't know why, but loved the idea.
you both removed your clothes to reveal your swimming costumes underneath and he pushed you in the water.
"SHIT ROBIN ITS FREEZING!" you cry, he laughs but then feels bad and jumps in next to you, he hugs you and you wrap your legs around him resting your head on his chest fro warmth.
you can still make out his features from the milky moonlight above you two.
you dive fully underwater wanting to get used to the temperature and once you come up, robin stares at you.
his mouth is open ajar and his eyes are in somewhat awe. you follow his eyes, confused and realise he's looking at your bikini.
shit. your bikini that had completely fallen off. you squealed in embarrassment and covered yourself instantly, turning around.
"shit robin, uhh..." you complain, you feel a warm hand touch your shoulder and you turn slightly to find robin holding your bikini.
"don't be embarrassed, i'm not complaining." he smirks as he helps tie it back on, his eyes glued on your breasts. you nudge him playfully and he grins.
"god, you made me want you now." robin pleads, you tilt your head and wrap your legs around him.
you guys make out a lot.

it was midnight and you were in your bedroom changing out of your clothes into once of vance's hoodies you stole
as you were naked you heard a knock on your window, your screamed slightly as you got frightened. you quickly cover your body with a random blanket and walk over to the window.
there you find vance your boyfriend smirking greedily, you roll your eyes and open your window. he falls in and you laugh.
"first of all, you're body is so fucking hot, second of all, what the fuck were you thinking!? giving your neighbour some sort of free porn show?" he complains, you give him a shocked look.
"vance, i was getting changed! i forgot to close the curtains, im not that stupid." you say slightly annoyed at his words.
"..." vance regrets what he says but ignores it, "is that my hoodie?" he asks sternly
"yup." you say confidently, he rolls his eyes and shrugs in defeat.
"watching you through the window wasn't a clear view..." he whispers in your ear, he looks at your eyes for consent and when you nod, he drops the blanket from you.
you guys make out too.

you decided to take a shower after training
bruce walked in and you instantly yelled at him to leave
he quickly covered his eyes and screamed with you.
"it's fine," you laugh
let's say that ever since then, bruce keeps walking in on you showering that now you shower together after training.

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