first date

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-you guys would go pretty simple

-it would be at his house and you'd watch bunch of films.

-and you'd eat sm snacks

-after a marathon of films, it would be late at night and you'd scream to a bunch of songs he'd play on his record player

-after your lungs hurt, you'd watch the glow in the dark stars on his ceiling


-he def would take you to a theme park

-depending on your opinion on rides, you'd either scream, hold his hand and bury your head in his neck from fear.

-or you'd scream and be over the moon, you and him would have contests of trying not to scream as well

-he'd buy you a bunch of your favourite snacks, and win a stuffed toy for you!


-vance would take you to a drive in theatre

-but after 10 minutes of the film you'd get to the back of his car and make out for the rest of the date

-you'd go back to his house, stopping to play a few rounds of pinball before.

- a few games turned into, too many, and you fall asleep when you get back to the car.

-surprisingly he'd carry you to his, bridal style, and fall asleep together in his bed.


-candle lit dinner

-some fancy restaurant which costed all of his pocket money for sure

-fancy dressed, you would be in a nice dress, and he'd be in something even more fancy, like a suit.


-ice cream and a walk

-it would be a summer day, and you two would get a bunch of ice cream flavours

-he'd bring his dog with him and you'd go for a walk too.

-small but cute 

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