who would get their liscence first

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wouldn't care that you got it before him
would squeal and you two would drive everywhere for a whole day. his hand on your thigh.
go through every drive through.

he'd pull up in front of your house in the middle of the night spamming you with calls. through your window you'd see his huge new jeep and run downstairs.
"holy shit!! WELL DONE!" youd yell before jumping in his car and arms. you'd kiss him all over his face.
"you can practice in here as much as you like!" robin would say referring to your licence.
"fuck yeah! but i don't promise no scratches..." you say making robin instantly regret his choice of words
"anyway... LETS GET SLUSHIES WHOOP WHOOP!" hed cheer.
his hand on your thigh. the whole time.

you had already gotten yours a few days ago but wanted him to get his first LOLOLOLLL
"Y/N!!" hed cheer as he honk the car repetitively causing everyone in the neighbourhood to hate him.
you'd run downstairs and he'd take you to get slushies and all junk food.
you'd admit... him driving turned you on... like a lot.
one hand on the wheel, one massaging your thigh. his jawline would be perfect, everyging about him as he drove was perfect
he was so peaceful somehow.
it became your new make out area.
in the back seat heheh 😏

"LOOK AT THEM/ MY GIRL/BOY SHE CAN DRIVE!" hed yell as you drove. you laughed but had to slap his hand from touching all the buttons and being to much interested as a toddler.
he was a bit scared of you driving...
"i think the light was red." bruce would laugh a bit scared and awkwardly
"IT WAS HELLA GREEN!" youd yell over the loud music

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