how you get back together

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make sure to read how you break up before this!!! ❤️❤️❤️

the breakup had lasted 5 months
you got back together in the library.
"oh hey y/n." finney says as he stands above you with his backpack.
"finney. hi, do you wanna take a seat?" you motion to the free seat in front of the table, and he sits down.
"how'd exams go?" finney asks you and you smile eagerly.
"very very good actually." you tell him, "what about you?"
"good. yeah, good." finn says.
"but things are back on track you know... i've got lots of spare time now and all..." you say, almost hopeful finney gets what your implying.
"so you'd be free to come over tonight? just to like... watch a film or something?" he asks while blushing
"i'd love that." you blush.
you guys get back together and make out. a lot. you realise how much the both of you had been craving eachother. and that the break almost helped you two notice the love for eachother

you had currently been broken up for 2 months. you two barely talked, only if finney was there. robin always tried to talk to you, but you just have him a glare and walked away. you two had been the gossip of the school.
this all changed when you had to be partners for biology. unfortunately you had to get this project done by tomorrow, so he was at your house.
you were working in silence, with the awkward conversation every now and then.
"your knuckles are infected." you point out, and robins eyes shoot up towards yours.
"they're fine." he hisses.
"they're infected." you say again.
"okay? and what am i supposed to do?" he spits out annoyed. you shut your mouth and he rubs his face in regret.
you walk towards him and grab the supplies you still keep in your drawer every time he had gotten into fights.
"give me." you say bluntly and he does so, sticking out both of his hands.
he watches you as you apply gel and wrap it up.
"y/n i always try talking to you. you never give me the chance." he says, you look up at him.
"go on then." you say emotionless
"what i said that day was wrong. god, if i were you i'd break up with me, no boyfriend should say shit like that to the person they love. i still love you. i've never stopped, even if you don't forgive me please just know i never meant any of that. i love how you keep me safe and i know you're just taking care of me-" he gets cut off from you lips smashing onto his.
"god i missed that." he mumbles against your lips before placing you on his lap.

you two had been broken up for only 5 days. you were walking through the corridor before you felt someone grab your arm and pull you into a small storage room. you yelp but once you see vance you slightly calm down.
"what the fuck are you-" you begin asking angrily but he covers your mouth.
"let me do the talking," you nod slowly and let him proceed, "i dunno how to say it any simpler, but i love you. like i fucking love you to the point i'd do anything for you. and knowing your aren't mine is actually ducking torture. and fuck, i was a shitty dickhead that night, and i wouldn't blame you if you don't wanna get back with me. coz i don't promise we won't argue again, but i promise i'll try not to. and i'll try be a good damn boyfriend. coz i love you." vance says.
"you never said "i love you" so much in one day." you smirk.
"i'll say it much more." vance promises, caressing your cheeks.
"i guess i'm yours." you smirk.
"you're mine."

you remain broken up for 18 days.
"y/n can i please talk to you?" bethany asked during break as you sat on the bleachers. you shrugged with an annoyed look.
"i'm gay. that's what i was telling bruce. i-i don't like him. he doesn't like me. we never fucking kisses, those are just the rumours we get for being... popular. but i'm sorry for making it seem i was taking him from you, he was the only one who knew and i needed to rant about my crush to someone." bethany smiles, everything processes in your head and you nod.
"oh god, first of all, im so proud of you for coming out, second of all, thank you so much for explaining, third of all, who's the girl?" i say with a cheeky grin.
"uhh, you know donna, in our science class?" i nod eagerly, "yup that's her."
while bethany goes to find donna i find bruce. he sees me walking towards me during his training and when he sees me smiling at him he grins before running to me.
"she explained everything, im sorry for not believing you." i whisper
"it's alright my love." bruce replies

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