your favourite time to cuddle

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you both find the floor oddly comfortable with blankets and pillows thrown all over
you both cuddle up with your head on his chest half asleep
both cosy and warm

in front of the tv, draped in blankets and popcorn every now and then stuck to your tops.
his arms around you securely even though you're fully asleep and he's still on his third film.

on his bed, if you're both in the mood, you'd be high on weed. some times you'd just be sober with your thoughts, together at least.
his radiance would be warm and comforting

after a baseball match he'd be so tired and sore, cuddling him in his bed after a shower was so relaxing and comforting.

you both liked facing eachother while cuddling on his bed, he'd admire your features while you'd be asleep.

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