they find out you're pregnant

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you guys are aged up to 18+

"holy shit..." you whisper with the pregnancy test firmly in your hands. it was positive alright. so were the other four.
you practically jumped when a knock at the window interrupted the train of thoughts.
it was your boyfriend finney at your window. you quickly pushed the tests into the bathroom bin and ran towards the windows to let him in.
he pecked your lips, and for the next hour of cuddling you felt sick to your stomach with stress.
finney went to the toilet which let you think and finally breathe out.
"babe." finney shouted from the toilet, you sighed and got up. when you walked into the toilet he stood there with the pregnancy tests.
"a-are you pregnant?" he gasped and you stood there shocked.
"yeah... i was gonna tell you." you broke to him and he wiped away a tear as a broad smile spread across his face.
"i'm gonna be a father?" he asked with the happiest smile.
you nodded and hugged you ever so tightly.

"robin im gonna throw-" you began to tell your boyfriend before sprinting across the new house you two had moved into. you ran to the bathroom with robin following closely behind.
you began to throw up in the toilet and robin swept your hair away from your face.
"gosh y/n this is the third time this week." he mumbled as he rubbed your back soothingly
"i know," you laughed as you rinsed your mouth and hugged him, "it's odd because i haven't had my period in a while."
you both froze and stopped laughing.
"oh shit... maybe the pull out method was a bit dumb." robin rubbed his neck with an awkward grin.
"i mean... a baby wouldn't be terrible...?" you asked and he shrugged.
"before we say anything, take a test." he rummaged through the drawers and passed a box of pregnancy tests.
after a few minutes of taking them you both walked into the bathroom to check.
he stood behind you as you checked it.
"y/n...?" he nudged wanting to know.
"positive." you replied, he hugged you tightly.
"we've got this. i love you." he supported and kissed your head.

"are you messing with me... or?" vance asked with a fear in his glossy blue eyes.
"i'm being serious. i'm pregnant." you told him while stroking his cheek.
"y/n tbis is big, i mean fuck, how am i supposed to be a father, i-i don't even know what a father is like... what if i hurt the baby? what if you decide to leave me with the baby and they never get to see their father. i-i..." vance started to have a break down.
you kissed him so he would shut up.
"vance. you are gonna give this fucking baby the best dad, i know it. you are gonna be amazing, you'll make sure it will get everything you wanted. we'll be in it together." you said soothingly.
"we'll be pretty bad ass parents huh?" he wiped a tear. never have you seen him like this, he cried in joy, fear, and love.

you and bruce had been trying ever since you moved in together and both had stable jobs.
you had just broke the news to him after a year of trying.
"FUCK YES! OH I LOVE YOU Y/N! I CANY BELIEVE IT!" he lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his torso.
"i love you more baby." you kissed him passionately.
"it's gonna be a boy i feel it." he said confidently making you laugh.
"you think?" you grinned
"maybe it will be triplets!" he said happily, your grin dropped.
"it better not, my body will be destroyed." you explained.
"your body will always be fucking perfect, five babies of eight!" he said enthusiastically
"slow down," you laughed, "one is enough at the moment." you both grinned

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀/𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀- 📞Where stories live. Discover now