crushing V.H

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guys im watching love island while im writing this xxxx

you were on call with your best friend robin, drowning them with your feelings and emotions, luckily robin was always there to listen and give the best advice. at the moment you were feeling him with how you felt about vance, you and him had a love/hate relationship. there were some signs which gave you confidence in the fact he possibly liked you back. for example, he never had a soft spot for anyone but you, he tolerated you, and came over to hang out often. although... he was vance fucking hopper, he hated everyone and probably never even knew what liking someone felt like. and the main reasons he came over was for a project or if he needed something.

"it's just so confusing, why do I have to like him out of all people! not that there's anything wrong with him, I think he's perfect! but it's just so difficult trying to understand him, it actually hurts my brain robin." you groan, collapsing on your bed while twisting the cord of the telephone between your fingers, in a stressed manner.

"chica, I'm telling you now, that this boy has eyes for you, and only for you. I see the way he watches you, I never seen this man look at someone else, ever, the way he does at you." robin explained through the phone. you let out a deflated sigh. 

robin continued telling you about vance, midway you heard what sounded like a cough come from outside your window, not too far away.

you sat up on your elbows and squinted to take a clearer look, maybe it was robin, you couldn't see anyone.

"y/n, do you really, and I mean really like this boy?" robin finally asked and you blushed just at the thought of vance.

"yes I like him robin! i wouldn't be on call with you telling you how about how perfect he is, it's something about him, and it hurts me to know that he probably doesn't like me back. gosh, i can't believe it like vance hopper this much." you rubbed your eyes in pain.

"wait, what the fuck?" a familiar voice asked in shock as a large figure rolled through your window. it was vance. he had been listening the whole time. the cough. that means he heard it all.

"uhm... robin I'll call you back later, love you bye!" you said quickly before hanging up and meeting eyes with the shocked and confused looking vance.

"wait, what did you hear?" you whisper in embarrassment. you felt your cheeks burn hot red, maybe from the fact he overheard your conversation and maybe because the rain outside had hammered his white shirt against his toned abs.

"all of it." he replied bluntly, scratching the back of his neck.

"vance I dont know what to say-" you began to explain but get cut off by his arms wrapping around you. he looks down at you with his frosty, somehow dark eyes. 

his lips, your lips, apocalypse. they collide and you melt from his touch. his wet, cold torso wraps around you but the warmness from his mouth overflows. 

"how didn't you realise?" vance smirks once you both pulled away.

"realise what?" you laughed and he threw his head back in laughter.

"that I fucking want you so bad. want you to be mine. why do you think I always come over?" he asks you and you shrug.

"I thought it was for the project?" you explain and he shakes his head, no.

"you really think I would take part in a project? no. but if it means I can spend time with you? fuck yes." he says.

"look at you vance, all happy and mushy." you accuse him with a grin, he rolls his eyes with a smile he can't hide.

"shut the fuck up shit face." he kissed you once more.

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