what theyd do after having sex for the first time

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keep in mind all of the characters are 16+

-it would be a bit awkward at first
-eventually he'd ask if you're okay
-he kisses your forehead and reminds you how beautiful your body is for him
-gets ice cream for the two of you
-feels guilty the next day when you can barely walk
- "i did that!? i'm so sorry, i didn't know!"
- tells robin a bit about it and asks if you're going to get pregnant
-robin just laughs

-you'd wipe the sweat of his forehead
-hed make you something to eat
-you'd thank him so much
-and he compliments you non stop
-"you felt amazing y/n, god."
-he'd let you play with his hair
-kiss your cheek and you sleep in his arms
-when you groan in pain the next day he stays at home with you
-scared he got you pregnant
- you reassure him that you're on the pill and try calm him down

-you started getting changed back in your clothes, getting ready to leave.
-"wait why are you going? did i do something wrong?" he asks quite angry
- you tell him that you thought he'd want you to go
- vance tells you that he wants you stay with you all night
-he reminds you about how good you felt
-you untie his hair from the bun you put it in during... sex
-he cooks you food, well he tries but you eat it anyway
-laughs when you can't walk the next day
-"i warned you shitface." he laughs
-refuses to help you cover up all of the hickeys from last night for school

-would give you pecks all over the face
-rub your back till you fall asleep
-gets you water
-plays your favourite song and hums to it while tracing circles on your back
-helps you walk the next day anywhere and is super clingy
-you find it cute

-hold your hand the rest of the night
-asks if you feel okay and when you say it hurts a bit he feels a bit bad
-he apologises but you kiss him
-tell him that it was the best thing ever though
-fall asleep together
-you kiss his hands

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀/𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀- 📞Where stories live. Discover now