when they're high

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tw: mention of drugs!

-would laugh at absolutely everything
-"youuu knowww..." he giggles, "i love youuuu! more than rockets!"
-you'd just roll your eyes with a laugh
-"it looks like the planets are moving!" finney points to his ceiling where the planets are painted.
-"wow." you gasp as you both put your arms up trying to reach for them
-"i want to take you on a date where the sun shines pink and we can dance on water together"
-"yes oh my fuck yes!" you'd squeal already excited
-"talking about the word fuck... i really want to fuck yo-" finn gets cut off when you cover his mouth
-"do you hear that?" you whisper and you're both quiet.
-"hear what baby?"
-"the planets... they're singing!" you tell him with wide eyes, he gasps and covers his mouth.

-basically a toddler
-runs around your room with so much energy and the next second he's rolling on the floor wheezing for air
-"what's so funny?" you giggle
-"the fucking wall is telling me that i'm the new batman, mami would you believe it?" hed gasp and then stare at the wall for a few minutes.
-runs around again then will lay ontop if you for rest
-"do you think colours are alive and did nine actually die when seven ate it?" hed ask you confused
-"i don't know baby." you'd yawn
-"who are you again?" hed question and you'd laugh because this is the millionth times he's asked
-"you're girlfriend stupid."
-"oh my shes fucking angelic then! fuck mi amor im so lucky."

-a psychopathic teddy bear
-"i would fucking kill him if i could y/n, but i wouldn't wanna go to jail and leave you alone."
-laughs at everything
-"what's so funny v?" you ask him, he points childishly at the lamp ok his desk
-"the lamp is glowing." he says dryly with an amused grin
-hed spill all of his worries and it can get emotional
-"darling, if i ever hit you by accident i want you to leave me. as much as i beg you to stay, you leave me, okay? i never want to hurt you." he would whisper with glossy eyes
-"i trust you more than anything v, i know you'd never mean to hurt me." you reply
-"can i sleep at yours tonight," you nod, "my dad will hit me... i don't want him to..."
-you hug him all night

-i don't think he would
-but if so he'd be extra loving and clingy
-would eat a lot and slurp on slushies
-would make you have the red one and he has the blue
-"let's make a green slushie when we make out !" he giggles
-"babe, you mean purple?" you correct but he's already doing it

-cmon guys he wouldn't 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

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