rollerskating date

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"y/n what if we fall and break our noses!" he'd yell as you place your hand in his.
"we won't love, just hold onto my hand." you'd giggle at him.
after his comments about how the two of you are going to die on this roller rink, you two get a hang of how to skate.
"wait this is pretty fun! we're good at this!" he'd exclaim.
you two would be so adorable
you'd be the type to go around the rink, hands together and flirting the whole time.
you'd only fall a few times, and finney was honestly a better skater than you.
if you ever stumbled a bit he'd pull you up and grin.

"WOOOHOOOO BITCHES!!" robin would roller skate past you, skating backwards at 1000mph with a cheeky grin on his face.
he'd do all sort of twists and turns, moon walks backwards and forwards.
but you...
you would watch him as you struggle to even get on the rink, gripping onto the rails for dear life.
"ROBINNNN!" you'd squeal as he skated past you cashing you to lose balance and land right on your bum.
"shit, oops! y/n!? amor..." he'd mutter as he helps you to sit up and sweeps his thumb across your cheek.
"shit i'm sorry... cmon let me help you, y'know i can be your teacher for today!" he grins with a flirty smirk.
you peck his lips, he deepens it but then you pull away and grab his hand eagerly.
you stumble way more times, pulling robin down with you but he doesn't seem to mind, even though his back and bum hurt like shit, he only cared if you were hurt.
you end up skating hand in hand.. really slowwwwww
but honestly.. you found it hot how good robin was..

"V, we're actually pretty sick at this!" you'd exclaim as you skate side by side, both of you really good at it.
"nah i'm going easy on you, i can do much better." he snarls and you turn to face him, a smirk growing on your face.
"really?" you inch closer to him, looking down at his lips before he can inch closer you playfully nudge him and skate away from him.
"i see how it is shit face!" he quickens his pace from behind you, and you look behind to see him chasing you.
you turn around so you're rollerskating backwards and fake a yawn to mock him.
one thing vance hopper hates is: losing.
he looks so determined to get you, you end up laughing.
"FUCK!" you scream as you topple over another girl from behind you.
you skid over against the rink and hit your head, the girl skidding in the other direction.
"owww..." you'd mutter, you're vision a bit blurry.
all you see are people crowding around you.  it one figure inches closer to you and eventually you make it out to be vance.
"shit y/n i'm sorry.. fuck, uh, are you alright? did i hurt you? sorry. it's all my fault.." he whispers to you.
you reach your palm for his face and caress his cheek.
"vance, stop blaming it on you, it wasn't your fault! it's fine, i just feel a bit dizzy. i love you." you convince him although he doesn't look to convinced.
"mhm... i love you more.." he murmurs.
as he helps you up and takes you off the rink you whisper in his ear, "you looked hella hot on roller skates vance."
you see the blush on his cheeks and he smirks at you before leading you to the toilets, locking the door.

"i can't do this. nope! i can't!" he'd yelp while shaking his head in fear.
"awww come on bruce!! i'm sure you'll be fine!" you reply, as you skate around the edge of the rink waiting for him.
"what if i die? nah... i'd rather not, that's so embarrassing.. urgh, you know what, every other guy here can skate apart from me.. this sucks.." he mutters pouting.
"yeah well i don't give a shit what the other guys can and can't do, you're bruce yamada my amazing, hot, sporty boyfriend who's skilled in many things, i don't care if you suck at this, like baby, we're literally on mini wheels zooming around on some wood."
he laughs and finally gives in and holds your hand.
"see? not too bad." you kiss his cheek as you slowly skate together hand in hand.
"yeah you're right..."
after a few minutes of peaceful skating...
"Y/N, IM GONNA FALL, IM GOING DOWN!!" he yells as he crashes into the floor and skids away in his bum to the edge of the rink.
you laugh and help him up.
you notice he doesn't really enjoy this so you say, "this kinda sucks ass, wanna go get some food?"
"fuck yeah, i love food." he replies
"yeah you do." you giggle
"but i love you way more. i can't believe you're my girlfriend."
he kisses you on the parking lot, you two eventually make out then go get food.

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