if you wiped off their kisses

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-would frown a bit and try again
-when you wipe it again he'd look away and start overthinking
-you'd notice that this didn't go as planned when he walks away while sniffling
-"baby! it was a prank i'm sorry!" you run behind him and smother him in kisses
-he laughs a bit and hugs you, "i thought you wanted to break up..." he admits a bit embarrassed
-"never in a million years, even if your a sack of bones." you laugh
-"ewww" finney laughs back

-would instantly give you a serious look
-would smirk and push you onto the bed while climbing on top of you, placing your hands over your head
-"you think it's funny swerving my kiss?" he asks, you laugh and try get out of his grip
-"answer me darling." he whispers
-you can't stop laughing and he kisses your lips and it's long and passionate
-he pulls away and gives you a warning look when he slowly lets go of your hands
-you don't wipe it away and instead kiss his forehead
-"it was supposed to be a prank i'm sorry." you tell him
-"i know, but now i'm gonna tickle the shit out of you." he answers before doing so

vance (aka my favourite 😻):
-"what the fuck was that for?" he threatens, you fake a confused look.
-"do what for?" you ask sweetly, he raises an eyebrow before cautiously kissing you again.
-he makes eye contact with you after and watches your every move
-slowly you lift the back of your hand and wipe away the kiss
-his face goes angry and he pokes the inside of his cheek
-"don't" he pushes you on the bed, "wipe" he gently grabs your face, "my" he smirks, "fucking kisses shitface." vance finishes before making out with you
-when he pulls away he places his forehead on yours.
-"sorry v, it was a prank and all." you explain and he looks right in your eyes
-"it better be doll, it fucking better be." he repeats, before laying on top of you
-practically crushing you

-blinks a couple of times as if he doesn't believe what he just witnessed
-"let me kiss you again." he tells you, and so he does
-planting a soft kiss in your lips
-when you wipe the kiss he rolls his eyes, fed up with you
-he begins walking away and you tap his shoulder and try stop him from leaving
-"bruceee, im sorrryyyyy!" you whine
-"do you not love me anymore or what?" he asks, clearly hurt
-"of course i love you baby, what a stupid question!" you remind him
-"then why swerve my kisses, i thought you liked them." he shrugs with a frown that makes your heart ache
-"i love your kisses, i rate them a 10/10, in fact i rate them 1000/10. it was supposed to be a prank." you explain frowning a bit
-"you think my kisses are a 1000/10?" bruce smirks proudly
-"fuck yeah." you smirk back, he looks so proud and cuddles with you

-would try be sweet and not show his slight anger
-"baby, are you okay?" he would ask with a soft smile, you could tell that it was a fake one
-your heart instantly shatters
-"oh god i feel so bad already." you tell him while cupping his cheeks
-"what do you mean?" he asks
-"for wiping your kiss, it was all a joke." you tell
-"oh thank god! i was so scared for a second you were gonna leave me." he laughs
-"i'd never ever leave you." you remind him
-"even if i had no teeth and wrinkly." he says in disgust
-"ehhh...maybe then." you tease him and laughs knowing your sarcasm
-"yeah yeah so funny." he replied before kissing you

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