slapping them in an argument

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"just go get it yourself for gods sake y/n!" he would groan.
"jeez! sorry for just asking my boyfriend if he can get me a glass of water!" you throw your hands in the air.
"you're just lazy, you always nag me to do your stuff, just go do it yourself."
"don't call me lazy! you're being mean right now finney, i WILL leave !" you warn him, as he steps closer to you, both of you in anger.
the two of you rarely argue, once in every blue moon. but finney did really bad in a test today, his father wasn't impressed but you weren't aware.
"you know what, you can fucking leave, i don't give a shit about yo-" finney begins to yell before you slap him hard in the face.
"FUCK, FINNEY, i didn't mean to do that, i-it just kinda happened?!" you instantly shout, regretting your actions straight away.
he frowns and rubs his cheek groaning.
"no, i think i deserved it... fuck, i was about to say i don't give a shit about you... that's so not true. you know what, i'm so sorry y/n, i get if you wanna leave and we can talk about it later. but it's just i've had a lot going on." he quietly cries
"i know finney... i mean, i hope you didn't mean it-"
he cuts you off
"i 10000% didn't. i love you."
"okay... im sorry too.. i forgive you.. truce?" you put out your hand and he shakes it with a teary grin.
"truce." he smiles
he walks towards the kitchen and looks back at you, "y/n, do you want anything else?" he says while filling you up a glass of water.

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO MEET ME HERE AT 6PM!" you check your watch, "ITS NOW BLOODY 10:30PM!?" you shout, your heart aching a bit.
robin runs his hands through his hair in frustration. rubbing his eyes.
"Fuck, amor you know i didn't meant to... i was busy with something, it just totally blanked my mind." he would explain.
"busy with what? a girl? tell me robin." you glare at him and he shakes his head.
"NOOO, y/n, i swear i wasn't with a girl!" he yells back, angry that you would think that.
"yeah right." you scoff.
"don't be like that stacey! let me take you out now-"
the room is instantly full of silence. your gasping at the fact you just slapped your boyfriend, and he's watching you with his hand on his cheek.
"who the fuck is stacey?" you cry, tears down your cheek and your hand stinging.
"no one, i-i swear.. i don't even know why that slipped out of my mouth." he pleads.
"get out."
"y/n, wait let me explain!"
"no, get out robin."
for the next week, every day robin leaves a bouquet of flowers on your porch, and knocks on your door asking you're ready to talk.
eventually when you ignore him so much he knocks on your bedroom window, so annoyingly you let him through and to talk.
he explains how he has to get tutored every friday night, the school have forced him or they'll expel him from his really low grades and lots of fights, he said that the girl tutoring him was gwens friend: stacey. a bratty ginger kid. he found it so embarrassing, and didn't want to tell you, as you were the top of the school with grades and didn't want you to think you had a dumb boyfriend.
you obviously forgave him and made out on your bed.
you did eventually apologise for slapping his cheek.

"don't fuckin go there vance! you can't go beating up every single guy who i just talk to!?" you yell at him, nudging his shoulders annoyed.
"YOU TWO WERE FLIRTING!" he yells back at you.
"WE FUCKIG WERENT! HE ASKED ME. FOR. THE. FUCKING. TIME!?" you scream at him in confusion.
"YOU WERE ALL GIGGLY, AND BLUSHING AND ALL OVER HIM-" you slap him in the face and he glares at you in anger.
"don't fucking accuse me for flirting with another man, just to start arguments. i didn't flirt with him. so can you fuck off, okay? the only guy i flirt with is you. only you. why? because i only love you. no one else. and you know it hurts me that you always accuse me for flirting with guys, even if a guy looks at me. and gosh, im just scared you're gonna go to jail or get in trouble with all these fights. so please, don't fucking accuse me for flirting with some ugly ass rat who sits next to me in maths." you tell him sternly.
"slap me again." vance demands and you look at him confused.
"what?" did he even acknowledge what you just said, you think to yourself.
"please just slap me again." he says in all seriousness, inching towards your face you xan feel his breath.
he's got you all flustered and blushing from the closeness you find hot.
without doubt, you slap his second cheek and he smirks.
"i'm sorry. i deserved that, it's just hard to see any guy even breathe next to this hot, sexy, smart, funny girlfriend i've got you know. he smirks and pushes you down on his bed.
"tell me about her, she sounds great." you laugh.
"well she's so sassy, but i find that hot, and she's somehow patient with me, and is the only person in the universe who understands me, who comforts me, who is an amazing kisser and person who i love." he murmurs.
"i love you." you tell him
"also i love when you slap me... it's so fucking hot.." he whispers in your ear and you go red.
"i'll keep it in mind." you whisper back to his ear with a grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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