if they got braces

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-would be scared you wouldn't love him anymore
-terrified you'd find them ugly and weird
-when he sees you, you're excited to see his braces and he forgets he has them on and smiles instantly at the sight of you
-"you look so cute handsome." you'd tell him while cupping his cheeks.
-"you think so...? i thought you'd find them ugly." he tells you honestky

-you had no idea he was getting them
-he walks into school and smiles and you instantly notice them.
-"wait what!? you got braces?" you ask excitedly, robin nods proudly and shows them off
-"why didn't you tell me!?" you squeal
-"coz i wanted to surprise you." he smirks and pecks your cheek

-this mf wouldn't let you see them
-he wouldn't smile or even talk
-"V, c'mon i've been here for hours and you haven't even talked! i don't care how they look, i love you either way." you try convince your boyfriend, you've been in his room for almost all night
-he just ignores you
-"fine then, be like that, im leaving." you shrug annoyed, before you can leave you feel vance grab your wrist
-he sends a fake smile your way to show his braces
-you squeal and smile so widely.
-"they look stupid i know..." vance grunts in anger
-"what?! no! they look so fucking cute." you squeal again
-"i don't want to look fucking cute." he mocks you, you roll your eyes
-"okay then, i think you look badass." you tell him, he secretly likes that he looks cute for you.
-"can i kiss you, or will it hurt?" you ask him
-"i don't give a shit if it hurts." he smirks before making out with you, even though it hurts like hell for him

-very happy about it and knows you'll like it
-he even gets them your favourite colour
-you feel bad that he can't eat his favourite candy
-this mf would be in so much pain and hunger
-"i feel like an old person eating soup all the time."
-"shut up and eat." you'd say before shoving the spoon in his mouth with a smirk

-this boy would be v v sweet about it
-"can i kiss you?" you ask
-"just very lightly, it really hurts."
-and so you do

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀/𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀- 📞Where stories live. Discover now