their reaction to your period

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-would ask gwen for advice
-would be so sweet with you
-feel so bad hehe he sees you in pain and would hate it
-make sure to stay by you all the time, unless you randomly got moody

-right, robin has no clue what's going on with you because he lives with his uncle
-would be hella confused but feel bad
-he would ask finney for advice
-eventually he'd just cuddle up with you and rub your back

-surprisingly vance knew exactly what to do
-he'd tell you it's because of his mum as well
-if you where even in a mood or got angry at him he'd say, "say one more fucking thing with attitude like that and i'll leave you here in a bloody mess."
-you'd look at him a bit confused
-"from your period princess, not from anything else." hed quickly remind you and hug you while your hormones kick in and you cry
-he just sighs in annoyance
-"i mean at least your not pregnant or shit." hed grin cheekily

-that's his first thought, would basically buy the entire super store
-every snack that's sugary hed buy you and you'd eat together
-not gonnna lie, bruce is even more emotional than you are just by seeing the state of you

-"uhh why is there blood on... your joggers..." he would point awkwardly
-you'd instantly mutter curse words under your breath and run to the bathroom
-so so so embarrassed
-you'd start crying and you feel something slip under the toilet
-there would be four different pads and you smile
-"sorry baby... take your time."

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