what you two would do during seven minutes in heaven

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when the bottle landed on you, your cheeks burnt red. you had the biggest crush on finney. you both walked into the small wardrobe and you noticed his nervousness. little did you know, he had a crush on you too, but didn't want to do anything to make you uncomfortable. instead you two spoke, and got to know eachother. because there was barely any room you were close on his lap, and his hand placement was spot on. right above your hip rubbing circles. before the time ended you gave him a little peck and even in the pitch black darkness you could see him blush.

you and your best friend robin went to a party, he had insisted in taking you.
during a game of 7 minutes in heaven, you two got picked.
as the two of you walked in the wardrobe, neither of you spoke for the first minute. eventually he broke the silence, "sorry." he says bluntly, you feel his warm breath as you look up. "for what?" you ask quietly.
"this is probably not how you planned this night to go." he said quietly.
"oh, no it's fine." you reassure him. you begin to play with the carpet in nervousness.
"can i kiss you y/n?" robin asks, your heart skips a beat.
"yes, yes you can." you blush and feel his warm hand cup your cheek and caress it, he gently pulls you in.

everyone in school thought you and vance hated eachother still. you two were enemies, but that changed... little did they know.
you rolled your eyes and sighed, flipping off the crowd who were cheering as the two of you unwillingly walked towards the wardrobe.
"fucking hell..." he mumbled before giving you a dirty look which everyone saw. vance groaned and walked in first, shutting the door in your face making you more frustrated. you walk in and slam it harder than him. he spinned towards you and grinned. he towered over you, "they definitely think we hate eachother." he whispered.
"quite a show you played vance." you smirked.
"oh shut up and kiss me shit face." and you did so. you made out. when you walked out everyone was stunned, the two of your were confused. but when you faced him, you realised. deep red kiss marks were all over his neck, jawline and smudged near his lips. vance looked at you and smirked before wiping the edge of your lips.

"this wardrobe is kinda spooky." bruce laughs and you elbow him for scaring you.
"don't say those things." you tell him and he groans.
"if i kiss you, will you be less scared?" he asks, you can hear the smirk.
"i dunno, let's test it?" you pull him by the shirt collar, and he sinks in your touch.

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