you come out as bi

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you were scared for some reason to tell him
"uh finney... can i tell you something quite important?" you ask and he nods sweetly while stroking circles onto your hand.
"i'm..." you take a deep breath, "bi. im bi." you finally say with a confident smile, happy that weight has been removed from your chest.
finney forms a massive smile and cups your cheeks, "im so happy for you!! im always here to support you no matter what, now we can both agree that zendeya is hot, but obviously not as hot as you." he babbles and you laugh, your hearts warms, appreciating his support.
"she is hot, but i love you." you remind him.
"i love you more." he smiles cutely

you and robin were watching a film, and playing smash or pass as a joke.
neither of you got offended when you did stuff as this because you both knew how much you loved eachother.
"smash, actually... wait, hm, tough one but smash." robin says indecisively, you laugh and scan the screen.
"smash!" you shout eagerly when an actress appears on the scene.
"the girl or the boy?" robin asks, you don't even notice the curiosity in his voice. you completely forget that you haven't come out to him.
"the girl duh." you say, then you freeze and turn to face robin.
"amor... do you need to tell me something?" he asks with kindness.
"i think...well- i know... i'm bi." you explain, he looks a bit confused by what it means so you tell him further, "i like girls and boys, but it doesn't change anything in our relationship."
robin smiles and jumps in your arms cuddling up with you.
"to be honest, i knew all along, you can't hide anything from me." he smirks

you were absolutely terrified. vance was probably the type to judge people about this type of stuff, but when it came to you, his girlfriend. you were unsure on his reaction.
you were at his house having deep conversations but your mind was elsewhere.
"baby, y/n..." you didn't hear your boyfriend calling your name as you stared into space, "y/n hopper!" he smirks the last part, catching your attention.
"oh yeah, sorry..." you mumble and he inspects your face trying to figure out what's wrong.
"what's going on, you've been off the whole day, did i do something or did some stupid bitch say something?" vance rambles.
"no no, it's just..." you say and vance waits for you to finish your phrase. you take a deep breath and look at him seriously.
"i'm bisexual." you tell him and the silence is so loud that you want to cover your ears. he blinks and his eyebrows furrow.
"what's that?" vance asks in a dumb tone that somehow always turned you on whenever you helped him with homework.
"uh, when i like both girls and boys." you explain and he nods slowly, processing your words.
"okay... that's cool i guess. but we're still together, right?" he asks
"of course we are." you say
"that's all good then shitface, it actually quite hot. very hot. when did you find out?" he asks, and you carry on answering his questions. he's very curious and supportive which you love very much.

you two were on the phone, and you were about to hang up before you blurted it out
"also i'm bi, love you!" you smash the red button and throw your phone on your bed staring at it.
your phone began spamming with calls and messages, most likely from your boyfriend bruce.
not even after a few minutes, there was a loud knock on your door followed by bruce shouting, "y/nnnn it's your amazingly hot boyfriend."
you go downstairs and take a few breath before opening the door.
bruce stood there with a basket of snacks, a cake, and roses. he grins cheekily.
"maybe i misheard what you said, but if you're coming out to me as bi, then here's a speech" you let him continue, "i, bruce your boyfriend, support you no matter what and will always love you, in fact i'd love you if you were a worm... actually i take that last part back. anyway what i'm saying is that you're perfect and even more perfect now that you are happy with who you are!" he squeals and you jump in his arms crazily in love.

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