if you are forced to break up

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btw this is quite long 🤡
tw: abuse, harrassment

- his dad forced you to break up with him
-he had said when he was drunk that he'd make finney's life a living hell
-you loved finney and you were absolutely petrified he'd get hurt even more
-so you did as you were told
-finney cried and looked at you in pain
-"why y/n? have i hurt you? i'm sorry if i have... d-do you love someone else?" he asked.
-you explained the truth to him and he sat frozen in fear
-"i don't want you getting hurt i still love you." you tell him, also now crying
-after a while of talking, you agree to secretly still date, but only at your house and you two would have to be careful
-it was a scared risk, but a risk you were willing take

-your dad forced you to break up with robin
-he had told you he hated the boy and despised the fact his daughter was dating such a fool
-you were scared for what he was going to do to you
-you cried on the way to robins house and once you entered he pulled you in his arms
-"fuck y/n... why are you in such a mess? talk to me." he whispered as he stroked your hair
-"we need to break up." you blurted out not wanting to see his reaction
-you felt him stiffen his hug
-he slowly, let go of you and you saw on his face pure anger and distraught
-"y/n..." he held in tears, you looked at him knowing what he was about to do, "p-please just go."
-"robin, listen to me i love y-" you got cut off from robin gently moving you out of the house and closing the door
-"ROBIN!" you shout hitting the door, now angry at him
-you hear crying from the other side, you take a deep breath and wipe your tears before walking home

- a boy had been harassing and bullying you for the past few months
-you didn't tell vance, because knowing him he'd murder the boy with his bare knuckles
-you wanted vance to be safe and not get in trouble
-after a while the boy had told you to break up with vance, he threatened to hurt you in ways youd never been hurt
-this terrified you to your core
-you were at vances house right now and you felt like throwing up
-"why the fuck are you acting all weird, shit face?" vance mumbled as he wrapped his arms around you.
-"i'm not." you defended, your voice quivering. he looked at you with a serious look and that was your final straw
-"vance we need to break up." you told him
-what happened next broke you, you had never seen vance like this, it looked like his life shattered in front of his eyes, his blue blue eyes seemed empty, he shook his head not wanting to believe what he just heard.
-"what the fuck... why? fucking hell y/n. i love you, im sorry if i don't show it, you know i have troubles with showing that shit! but i would do fucking anything for you! you give me a reason for living in this shitty place! you're all i ever want, all i ever need!" he shouted in pain
-"i didn't have a choice!" you screamed back
-he scoffed and looked at you.
-"what do you mean?" he asked.
-"he made me do it... he said..." you stopped yourself.
-"what did he say y/n?" vance asked sternly
-"that he'd hurt me a lot... if i don't end this."
-"who said this?!" he shouted in anger
-"jacob." the popular boy everyone loved, vances best friend.
-"i know you're not gonna believe me." you said dryly
-"of course i fucking belive you, he's a dick and i'm gonna fucking murder him!"
-"this is why i didn't want to tell you for months!! you're gonna get yourself in trouble!!" you explained
-"MONTHS!? this has been going on for fucking months? has he hurt you? and don't you fucking lie to me y/n." he sits down beside you and squeezes your hands.
-"not really... he just does stuff that makes me a bit uncomfortable." you shrug not making eye contact with him
-he gently forces your head up to look at him.
-he kisses you gently, not like your tough make outs, it's soft, passionate and has meaning
-"i love you." he whispers, he looks up at you with warm eyes
-later that day vance beat the crap out of jacob, but not to the point he died, but he was close

bruce & billy
-i js think your relationship with these two would just be too good.
-and everyone would love you two together.
-so no forcing to break you two up
- 😘

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