how they are as a dad

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the "loving dad"
is the dad he wishes he had
let's the kid pick out what they want to do in their life
very very supportive no matter what
has a soft spot and loves the child ever so much
sometimes almost tears up by watching them sleep

the "cool dad everyone wants"
your guys' child and robin are like the best duo apart from the two of you of course.
supportive, and there to talk when something is wrong
robin loves dressing up the child in bandanas to the point it gets annoying

the "god this is difficult but i love this son of a bitch" dad... if that's even one
you can tell this is all new to him and he gets exhausted by the end of the day
makes sure not to freak out or say anything bad in front of the child
will kill whoever hurts them
loves the child more than anything

the "adventurous dad"
will take the child for all sorts of adventures, most of which cause your child to come back with a laugh and a grazed knee
bruce wants your child to have all sorts of fun experiences

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