Natsumi's first encounter with the dragon

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As young Natsumi walked alone in a dark cave after getting lost and accidentally separated from her twin brother, Natsu, she ran and accidentally stumbled on a rock. As she tried to get up, she then saw a big and red female dragon with a scarlet dragon wings right in front of her eyes for the first time in her entire life.

The female dragon was then named Scarneel. She was amazed with that kind of creature. She then ran right in front of that dragon and she's actually not afraid of Scarneel. She adored Scarneel like her own mother figure.

"Hello there" That's the first word that came out from Natsumi right after she encounter with Scarneel. "Hello, little one. Are you afraid to see me in this dragon form?" Scarneel then replied to Natsumi's word and ask her if she was afraid of dragons

"No, I'm not. I'm not afraid of dragons. Dragons are so amazing and I can't believe that dragons can actually talk", the little Natsumi then said to Scarneel with her.

"Well, you might be the lucky one who use to see me like this and not afraid to me" said Scarneel. "By the way, do you have your brother? Where is he?" Scarneel then asks Natsumi some questions about her twin brother

"Oh, I actually do have my twin brother. His name is Natsu and I was actually lost him while we both were walking in the forest. I actually want to see him but I lost my way. And then, I walked into this cave and I know I can enter this cave without him. I wonder if Natsu would find me at last" Natsumi explained everything to Scarneel burst her tears.

Scarneel then pat Natsumi's back and tried to comfort Natsumi in her sadness as she lost in track with her twin brother. "It's ok, my dear. Maybe you can find him one day. As long as I'm here, I will always take care with you and I will always protect you at all cost" Scarneel then tried her best to comfort Scarneel.

"Come here, my dear. I'm gonna show you something interesting which you might like it" Scarneel then give her hand to Natsumi so she can overcoming her loneliness and sadness. She then wiped her tears and reaching Scarneel's hand. The two then went to the forest which Scarneel's favorite place when she was young.

(Side note: Scarneel was actually not a pure dragon as you actually thought but she was actually a queen from her kingdom. Her true name was Queen Scarlett She was actually getting cursed after one of her noblemen claimed that she was doing witchcraft. She also actually learned magic and she's mostly known for being Irene's best friend and turned into an enormous dragon. Although her people were so afraid of her dragon appearance, she then flew away from her kingdom into the deep forest)

Narrator (Sophia): Phew, that's a lot stuff I have to jot it down here
Natsumi: Hey, when will my turn to tell this story about me?
Narrator: Ok alright, I'm sorry. I actually talk too much while writing on this part XD. Ok, ur turn
Natsumi: Cool, thanks partner XD

Natsumi's POV

I still remember when mama (Scarneel) would bring me outside the cave to see her favorite spot in the forest.

It was so beautiful, surrounded by trees and there was a river which led to the lake. The sunlight which blinds my eyes were protected with trees. Her favorite place was truly like a heaven for me.

But sometimes, I was actually worrying about my twin brother's safety. He must be worried about me that I accidentally got separated from him. He must be alone for real. I actually feel bad with him. One day, I'm about to search for him and return to his side. I promise that we will never get separate again.

Wait for me, my beloved twin brother... Natsu

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