A dragon or a demon?

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Natsumi's POV

Ouch, my body hurts and it's really dark here. And I'm still in my heart again. I was paralyzed due to my curse. And now I realize that the tumor in my vessel has been grown drastically. I know I'm not gonna survive with my own disease. I would barely open my eyes as I'm now in critical condition.



"Natsumi, wake up my dear...."

I slowly opened my eyes as I see someone who took care of me. For seconds I thought I would recognize someone, it was Irene.

"Irene? Is that you? I thought you were really gone for real..", I instantly hugged her and cried as if I did apologize her. "It's ok, my dear, at least I'm here now" she stroked my pink hair as we both hugged each other.

"Am I in my heart again? I know I'm not gonna survive for this anymore. My body has become weaker right after our battle." I explained to Irene.

"Well, I did actually explain it earlier during our battle but you still didn't want to understand about your problem. You just like your twin brother. Fearless but carefree." Irene just teased me for a while.

I sighed, realize that I was reckless from that battle. "So, you're gonna end your Universe One and turn back into normal condition?" I asked her if she would granted to turn it back. "I guess, since I'm already dead, I'm gonna end my own spell and turn it back into normal, for good," Irene answered my question, grinning.

"Let me get this clear that the Demon Seed in you has been merged with the Dragon Seed and this would happen to clash each other. Natsumi, you actually have life crisis which you're confusing of who are you truly are," Irene explained it with more details about my disease.

I didn't realize that who I am actually is. What am I? I need true answers.

"Yeah, that's true. The Dragon Seed which is in your body..." Hold on, that voice I missed so much and I can feel her presence.

"That's the risk of every Dragon Slayers have to face. That seed will grow and would turn them into dragon," the ground began to crack and burn instantly as she continues hSer explanation.

"But...I tried my best to stop the growth of seed in you," as we both turned out head to her.

"Mama..." I miss Mama so much , even after her death. "The seed in you wouldn't grow to say the least,"

"But, it would  grow now just because you weren't in my body?" I would make  an expectation if that's possible.

"No, that was not the reason. And there's another seed in your body which I would assume is the Demon Seed and that's why you are also E.N.D like your twin brother. These both seeds are merging. And it would happen in your body right now," she explained more.

"Yeah, she's right. At least I'm not wrong to inform you about that," Irene agrees on Scarneel's explanation.

"So that means, I would die soon?" I was worried about myself. "Yes, you will," she replied.

Irene looked at me with her worried face, knowing that I would die in very short period. She then looked at Scarneel and gave her head signal to convince me to not worry about my problem. Scarneel then nodded to Irene and about to tell the truth to me.

The Scarlet Firebreather (Natsu's twin sister) (FT OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now