Reunited with the Twin Brother

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Natsumi's POV

The whole guild members would see us getting hugged each other by my twin brother Natsu. For him, of course he would miss me so much. I am also wondering what he actually does since I'm not with him for about 11 years straight

Not long after that, I introduced myself in front of the guild members and claimed that I'm actually Natsu's actual twin sister. The whole guild members would be welcoming me warmly to the Fairy Tail guild. For them, being a Fairy Tail guild member is like being a part of the family. I would never forget this precious moment I ever had in my entire life. I also became closer with the guild members and shared some interesting facts with my twin brother.

I also met with guild members which I mostly knew the most. One of them is the blonde girl who is mostly known as the Celestial Wizard. Her name is Lucy Heartfilia. Fun fact about her is she's actually Natsu's future girlfriend. I also met with a redhead girl with her armor suit. She's Erza Scarlet and she's mostly known as the strongest female wizard in Fairy Tail. Well, I deeply respect her and be careful that you shouldn't mess up with her or else you'll get punished by her

I also met with a young girl with dark blue hair name Wendy. Apparently she's the only female Dragon Slayer in Fairy Tail and also known for being a Sky Dragon Slayer. Well, since I'm still new in Fairy Tail, now both me and Wendy are now known as Dragon Slayer Sisters because only both of us are the only female Dragon Slayers in this guild.

Plus, I informed the guild members that I'm also The Scarlet Fire Dragon Slayer whose flame color is quite unique which is scarlet red which is red as her blood. Everyone was so fascinated with my flawless magic power.

And yeah, this is how I slowly becoming a family member in Fairy Tail guild. Not long after that, I asked Mirajane for the Fairy Tail guild mark. After that, she stamped it on my left shoulder. The guild mark color is really scarlet red, just like my twin brother's guild mark color

Since that day, I started to wear one-sleeve waistcoat which my right arm only covered with long sleeve while my left arm only get exposed.

Natsumi:  Well, my part for the previous chapter is done and I actually talk too much for this new chapter.
Natsu: Hey lil sis, looks like you're gonna tell a lot about your story
Narrator: Oh hey Natsu, you're here! Looks like you're gonna started to include your appearance for this chapter starts with here
Natsu: Thanks a lot, Sophia! Of course it's a twin story, you know? And of course I'm gonna start with this chapter for her story. I promise I'm not gonna leave my twin sis alone
Natsumi: Aww, you're really about me, Natsu. Thanks by the way
Narrator: Ok, since we're all three on this new chapter, how about you start your turn for narrating this story, Natsu?
Natsu: Of course, I will! Cuz I'm all fired up now!!!
Narrator & Natsumi: Yeah, we're all fired up now!!!

Natsu's POV

Sometime later in evening, I would like to bring Natsumi and her Exceed partner Kylia to our house where I used to live right now with my partner Happy

" It's been 11 years, right? Since we got separated in the forest" my twin sister started our conversation while we're on the way to our house.

"Yeah, it's been a long time, you know? It's all my fault for leaving you behind at the forest and I know, I'm not gonna let you being separated from me" I continued for our conversation

"Hmm, it's my fault too. I know I'm not supposed to go far away from you in the forest. Next time, I promise I will never go far away from you" Natsumi is pointing her pinky finger as to keep promise to me to always stick together no matter what.

"Yeah, I always keep your promise to always protect you forever. " I also jointing my pinky finger with her and grinned at her. She also smiled at me

"By the way, life at Magnolia is so amazing. I love the food, the surrounding and everything about this city", after we make our promise, my twin sister then continue with some off topic conversation

"Yeah, Magnolia city is always the best city for us. At least you're on my side now" I keep said it to her while we're almost reaching to our house. "And we're almost there , to our house!"

Natsumi's POV

As both me and my twin brother including Kylia and Happy entering his house, the surrounding of his house looks so messy and in disorganized state. Guess I have to help him clean his house and manage his house properly.

"Natsu, are you sure you stay in your house like this? Maybe I can lend a hand to clean your house" I lifted my eyebrows as walking around his house, with rubbish scattered on the floor.

"Well, this is how I stay in my house to be clear. I know I'm kinda bit messy person to stay in this house." Natsu keeps rubbing behind his head with his hand. Yeah, you know? That's my twin brother and I know his personality so we'll.

" And hey, about you just said that earlier that you want to help me cleaning up my house, I allow you to do so" Natsu continue his statement and this time he granted my permission to clean his house

And then, I have to clean up his house with sweeping the floor of rubbish, wiping the window, arranging his furniture and more. It took a long time to clean his messy house.

Right after cleaning up his house, I threw myself on the couch as I become so tired and wasting my energy, and so my brother sit on the same couch as me

We have to take a rest for a while and have a long talk with my twin brother Natsu in his house.

And so, we're to explain everything for the rest of the day (the long talk is on the bonus chapter)...

The Scarlet Firebreather (Natsu's twin sister) (FT OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now